







  • 何谓“智能装备”🤷🏿‍♂️ #探索AI未来#
    搞了二十多年的研发工作,今日参加河北省工程研究中心答辩让一个专家给问住了。 百度曰:智能装备,指具有感知、分析、推理、决策、控制功能的制造装备,它是先进制造技术、信息技术和智能技术的集成和深度融合。 那么如果一个设备自动化程度高,能否称为智能化呢?
  • 鬼斧神工的大自然美景💁🏼‍♀️ #旅行足迹#
    冰岛的冰川之门。 Glacial Gates in Iceland.
  • 鹈鹕:超大型空运的梦想 #萌芽计划·新人创作挑战#
    波音鹈鹕不是一般的货机。这是一个巨大的概念,一个旨在彻底改变军事运输的天空巨兽。鹈鹕由波音公司致力于先进航空航天项目的幻影工厂开发,旨在成为有史以来最大的货机。 The Pelican: A Dream of Supersized Airlift The Boeing Pelican wasn't your average cargo plane. It was a colossal concept, a leviathan of the skies designed to revolutionize military transport. Developed by Boeing's Phantom Works, a division dedicated to advanced aerospace projects, the Pelican aimed to be the largest cargo aircraft ever built.
  • 云南野生蘑菇季💁🏼‍♀️ #用一张照片记录生活#
    野生蘑菇季节在中国西南部云南省玉溪市易门县如火如荼地进行着!市场上热闹非凡,农民们带来了新鲜收获的蘑菇,如牛肝菌和绿头蘑菇。 Wild mushroom season is in full swing in Yimen county, Yuxi, Southwest China's Yunnan province! The market is buzzing as farmers bring in freshly harvested mushrooms like porcini and green-headed mushrooms.
  • 输液依赖症🙆🏼‍♀️ #人类搞笑行为大赏#
  • 中国首辆氢动力智能有轨电车在四川宜宾亮相 #聊聊社会新鲜事#
    更环保!7月1日,中国首辆氢动力智能有轨电车在四川宜宾亮相。这款零排放有轨电车是中国自主研发的,采用35MPa储氢系统,一次加满可行驶200多公里,满足城市公共交通的长途运营需求。它将于今年8月开始运营。 Going greener! China's first hydrogen-powered smart tram was unveiled on July 1 in Yibin, Sichuan Province. This ZeroEmission tram, independently developed in China, features a 35MPa hydrogen storage system, enabling it to run over 200 km on a single fill-up, meeting the long-distance operational needs of urban public transport. It will begin operations in August this year.
  • 北京出发的中欧班列正式开通💁🏼‍♀️ #用一张照片记录生活#
    周一,一列货运列车从北京开往俄罗斯首都莫斯科,标志着从中国首都出发的中欧班列正式开通。 A cargo train left Beijing for the Russian capital Moscow on Monday, marking the launch of a regular China-Europe freight-train service from the Chinese capital.
  • 9527🙆🏼‍♀️ #今日份快乐来源#
  • 西安之美💁🏼‍♀️ #我用镜头看家乡#
  • 壮观的水利枢纽工程💁🏼‍♀️ #我用镜头看家乡#
    东庄水利枢纽工程位于中国西北部陕西省咸阳市泾河大峡谷的下游端,正在如火如荼地建设中。 Located at the downstream end of Jinghe River Grand Canyon in Xianyang city, Northwest China's Shaanxi province, the Dongzhuang Water Conservancy Hub Project is being built in full swing.
  • 超大容量海上风电项目投入使用💁🏼‍♀️ #寻找新闻评论员#
    周四,中国首个完全使用超大容量风力涡轮机的海上风电项目在福建漳州实现了全容量并网发电。 China's first offshore wind power project that entirely uses ultra-large-capacity wind turbines achieved full-capacity grid-connected power generation on Thursday in Zhangzhou, Fujian province.
  • 街头艺术,NICE💁🏼‍♀️ #随手拍窗外的风景#
  • 智能育苗你见过吗?💁🏼‍♀️ #用一张照片记录生活#
    只需点击手机即可帮助冷却幼苗!在安徽省石栅村的一家育苗厂里,垂直种植正在蓬勃发展。这一创新设施利用远程控制的智能设备,提高了效率,同时降低了成本和空间要求。 Just a click on your phone can help cool down seedlings! Vertical farming is thriving at a seedling cultivation factory in Shizha Village, Anhui Province.This innovative facility utilizes remotely-controlled smart equipment, enhancing efficiency while reducing costs and space requirements.
  • 再不努力学习拧螺丝也没机会了🤷🏻 #萌芽计划·新人创作挑战#
    近六个月前,Figure宣布其闪亮的银色人形机器人在宝马制造厂开始了第一份工作。一段新的视频展示了自那以后的进展。 虽然这不是最令人印象深刻的人形机器人视频,但有很多积极的方面。01机器人正在学习用橡胶尖端的手指抓住大而复杂的形状,并在不撞到东西的情况下移动它们——这项技能甚至有些孩子也很难掌握。 Nearly six months ago, Figure announced its shiny silver humanoid robot started its first job at a BMW manufacturing plant. A new video shows its progress since then. While it’s not the most impressive humanoid robot video, there are many positives. The 01 robot is learning to grasp large, complex shapes with its rubber-tipped fingers and move them without bumping into things—a skill even some kids struggle with.
  • 物理就是这个理💁🏼‍♀️ #萌芽计划·新人创作挑战#
    当一块12.7mm的塑料在太空中以24140公里/小时的速度接触铝块时,就会发生这种情况。 This is what happens to aluminum when a 1/2 inch piece of plastic makes contact at 15,000 mph in space.
  • 这叫职业倦怠吗? #人类搞笑行为大赏#
  • 记录人家烟火气💁🏼‍♀️ #我用镜头看家乡#
    烹饪经常被描述为一种艺术形式,很少有活动能像年度粉红女士美食摄影师奖那样引人注目地展示这种重叠。今年,来自中国的参赛者获得了19个名次,成为了总冠军。 Cookery is often described as an art form, and few events showcase this overlap as spectacularly as the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year awards. This year, entrants from China achieved 19 placings and produced the overall top-prize winner.
  • 投资大鳄及其所持前五大股股票💁🏼‍♀️ #寻找新闻评论员#
  • 独特的计时方式💁🏼‍♀️ #用一张照片记录生活#
    位于里约热内卢植物园的一个令人难以置信的日晷。 An incredible sundial located in the botanical garden of Rio de Janeiro.
  • 电动飞机值得期待💁🏼‍♀️ #聊聊社会新鲜事#
    中国电池巨头CATL(宁德时代)雄心勃勃的电动飞机项目正在推动航空业的未来。CATL在第15届世界经济论坛年会上宣布,其目标是到2027年推出一款8吨级电动飞机,航程可达2896公里。 Chinese battery giant CATL is propelling the future of aviation with its ambitious electric aircraft project. Announced at the 15th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, CATL aims to release an 8-ton electric aircraft by 2027 with an impressive range of up to 1,800 miles.