
"Better Late Than Never"

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Long ago, in a small village, there lived a farmer who had a large sheepfold filled with many sheep. Originally constructed from sturdy wood and bamboo, over time, the wood in one corner began to rot, leaving a hole.

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Busy every day with caring for his flock and working in the fields, the farmer always thought, "I'll fix it tomorrow." But tomorrow kept turning into another tomorrow, and the repair was continually delayed. One night, a young lamb discovered the hole, squeezed through it, and was unfortunately eaten by a lurking wolf.

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The next morning, heartbroken upon discovering one sheep missing, the farmer searched the surrounding woods and fields. Finding the sheep's wool not far away in some bushes, he realized his negligence had endangered the flock. Filled with regret, he decided to take immediate action.

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He spent the whole day using new wood and bamboo to reinforce the pen, ensuring there were no gaps.

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From then on, the farmer's sheepfold never had another problem. He often used his own lesson to admonish the villagers about the importance of acknowledging mistakes and correcting them promptly, embodying the principle of "Better late than never."