
Painting the Eyes on the Chinese Dragon

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Long ago in China, there was an exceptionally skilled painter. One day, he visited a temple that required many Chinese dragons to be painted on its walls.

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The painter began his work, creating four Chinese dragons, each one beautifully detailed and as lifelike as real dragons, yet he deliberately left their eyes unpainted. Observers were amazed by the Chinese dragons and questioned why he didn't paint the eyes.

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The painter explained that if he painted the eyes, the Chinese dragons would fly away because they would become too lifelike.

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Everyone laughed, not believing that the painted Chinese dragons could actually fly.

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Later, the temple's head priest asked the painter to paint the eyes on one of the Chinese dragons. Taking up his brush, the painter dabbed the eyes.

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Suddenly, the Chinese dragon truly rose from the wall and soared into the sky, disappearing from sight!

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From then on, people understood the Chinese idiom "Adding the Finishing Touch: Painting the Eyes on the Chinese Dragon," which means that a small but crucial detail can perfect an entire endeavor. Thus, when we undertake any task, we should also pay attention to finding that key element!