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图1 盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis sp. nov. (YBU 15018)。钟光辉 摄

近日,以宜宾学院刘芹博士为第一作者的研究团队在《ZOOTAXA》杂志上发表游蛇科东亚腹链蛇属一新物种——盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis Liu, Zhong, Wang, Liu, and Guo, 2018【1】,为东亚腹链蛇属再添新成员,使该属物种数达到44 种【2,3】。该种发现于我国四川南部盐边县境内,分布地海拔1900余米。

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图2 盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis sp. nov.模式产地及分布

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图3 盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis sp. nov. 王剀 摄

盐边腹链蛇与中国及邻近地区其它东亚腹链蛇属物种区别于以下特征:1) TL/SVL 0.35[l1] ;2) 眶后鳞3枚;3) 颞鳞6枚,1/(1+1) +1+2;4) 上唇鳞8枚,第4、5枚入眶, 第6枚最大;5) 下唇鳞10枚,前5枚接前颔片;6)腹鳞172枚;7) 肛鳞二分;8)尾下鳞90对;9) 背鳞19-19-17行,除最外两行外均弱棱;10)背鳞在第99枚腹鳞处由19行变为17行;11)尾背鳞片在第18尾下鳞处由8行变为6行,在第37尾下鳞处由6行变为4行;12) 后额骨与额骨不接触, 顶骨骨脊弱; 鳞骨后末端不超出枕骨大孔;上颌骨具齿23-25枚,最后两枚较大,与之前的牙齿之间没有间隙。

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图4 线粒体Cytb片段构建的贝叶斯系统演化树显示盐边腹链蛇的系统地位


无颞鳞腹链蛇 Hebius atemporalis (Bourret, 1934)

黑带腹链蛇 Hebius bitaeniatus (Wall, 1925)

白眉腹链蛇 Hebius boulengeri (Gressitt, 1937)

沙巴腹链蛇 Hebius chapaensis (Bourret, 1934)

云南腹链蛇 Hebius clerki (wall, 1925)

锈链腹链蛇 Hebius craspedogaster (Boulenger, 1899)

棕网腹链蛇 Hebius johannis (Boulenger, 1908)

卡西腹链蛇 Hebius khasiense (Boulenger, 1890)

瓦屋山腹链蛇 Hebius metusia (Inger, Zhao, Shaffer, and Wu, 1990)

台北腹链蛇 Hebius miyajimae (Maki, 1931)

腹斑腹链蛇 Hebius modestus (Günther, 1875)

八线腹链蛇 Hebius octolineatus (Boulenger, 1904)

丽纹腹链蛇 Hebius optatus (Hu and Zhao, 1966)

坡普腹链蛇 Hebius popei (Schmidt, 1925)

棕黑腹链蛇 Hebius sauteri (Boulenger, 1909)

东亚腹链蛇 Hebius vibakari (Boie, 1826)

缅北腹链蛇 Hebius venningi (Wall, 1910)

盐边腹链蛇 Hebius yanbianensis Liu, Zhong, Wang, Liu, and Guo, 2018

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图5 盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis sp. nov.的头背(A)、头腹(B)和头侧(C)观(YBU 15018)。郭鹏 摄

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图6 盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis sp. nov.头骨扫描图(YBU 15018)

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图7 盐边腹链蛇Hebius yanbianensis sp. nov.的生境。钟光辉 摄


【1】Liu Q., Zhong G. H., Wang P., Liu Y., Guo P. 2018. A new species of the genus Hebius (Squamata: Colubridae) from Sichuan, China. Zootaxa, 4483 (2), 385–394.

【2】Kizirian D., Nguyen Q. T., Ngo H. T., Le M. D. 2018 Parahelicops,Pararhabdophis, Paraphyly: Phylogenetic Relationships among Certain Southeast Asian Natricine Snakes (Hebius). American Museum Novitates, Number 3906, 7 pp.

【3】Uetz P., Hallermann J. http://reptile-database.reptarium.cz. Access in September 2018.

【4】David P., Agarwal I., Athreya R., Mathew R., Vogel G., Mistry V. K. 2015 Revalidation of Natrix clerki Wall, 1925, an overlooked species in the genusAmphiesma Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854 (Squamata: Natricidae). Zootaxa, 3919 (2), 375-395

【5】Guo P., Zhu F., Liu Q., Zhang L., Li J.X., Huang Y.Y., Pyron R.A. 2014. A taxonomic revision of the Asian keelback snakes, genus Amphiesma(Serpentes: Colubridae: Natricinae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3873 (4), 425-440.

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