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International education has changed from simply introducing foreign curriculum system to integrating Chinese culture and ethnic characteristics into international education. Combining Chinese and Western educational philosophies have become hot topics in international education in recent years.

However, since 1990s, BIBS started its bilingual education model with the core value of “adopting a well-rounded international education that integrates Chinese and Western educational philosophies, cultural elements and best practices.” In the past 23 years, BIBS has grown from one campus, one international kindergarten to an education group with over 20 campuses in China.

Among more than 20 campuses across the country,BIBS Shunyi Campus was the first to open middle and high schools and offered K-12 education. It is also one of a few authorized IB PYP, MYP and DP Continuum IB World Schools in Beijing. Meantime, it is a member of the Western Association for Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the test center for SAT and TOEFL.

Adhering to the core value of “adopting a well-rounded international education that integrates Chinese and Western educational philosophies, cultural elements and best practices”, BIBS Shunyi Campus also attracted innumerous colleagues who share the same philosophy of running a school under the bilingual teaching model.

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John D'Arcy D.Ed




Doctor of Education

Director of Innovation and Research

Head of School


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Former Deputy Head of Western Academy of Beijing. Dr. D’Arcy is an accreditation team leader for the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and accreditation team member for the Council of International Schools (CIS).Dr. D’Arcy led the design of the famous strategic teaching reform project FLoW21, which optimized the educational ecosystems including the learning of students and the instructional practice of teachers. With 34 years teaching and management experience in many international schools such as Toronto, Hong Kong, Istanbul and Beijing,he isrecognized as an expert in pedagogy and educational improvement.

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贡明 (Grace Gong)




Chinese Principal of Shunyi Campus

Graduated from Beijing Normal University



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First introduced debating and theatre teaching theories to international schooland integrated them with Chinese language courses.Founded platforms for Chinese teachers at international schools to communicate and arrange debate and reading contests and effectively promoted the professional development of teachers and student exchanges among campuses.Familiar with international school management andmasters IGCSE and IB curriculum system.Good command of creating new courses based on international and domestic education concepts.



Why BIBS? Why Bilingual Education?

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——John D’Arcy



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When asked why they came to BIBS Shunyi Campus, their answers were surprisingly consistent:

“I joined because I believe the blend of Eastern and Western educational models elevates learning for all students to the highest level. Bilingual education is the future in China, and around the world.”

——John D’Arcy

“From the management team to the teachers, BIBS pays great attention to the support for students' learning and integrates the essence of Chinese and Western education in practice. It is this kind of attention to education and school culture that deeply attracted me. I am willing to run deep here.”

——Grace Gong

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由于办学理念的高度契合,John D’Arcy为自己的女儿也选择了青苗。他相信,在青苗双语教育浸润下,女儿能够更好地学习和理解中国文化,传承中国的血脉。这是一位父亲对女儿的期待,更是他作为校长,对学校的自信与嘉许。

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BIBS utilizes the Tai Chi diagram to show the core elements of Chinese and Western education models.In the opinion of Principal Gong, the unity of knowing and doing and win-win cooperation in Chinese education, as well as the individualized development and innovation in Western education, are what makes BIBS most unique.

Because BIBS shares the same educational concept with John D’Arcy, he chooses BIBS for his daughter.He believes that under the BIBS’ bilingual education, his daughter will be able to better learn and understand Chinese culture and inherit Chinese tradition.This is not only what a father expects of his daughter, but also his confidence and praise for the school as its head.



What Is The Difference Of An IB-PYP,

MYP,And DP Accreditation School?



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For someone trying to understand international education, the high-profile IB course is undoubtedly the first threshold. With a forward-looking vision and initial rigorous research, BIBS chose the IB curriculums, which was relatively unfamiliar to most Chinese parents at that time.

Among the 24 campuses in the country, BIBS Shunyi Campus is the first IB-PYP, MYP and DP ‘accreditation’ school. and it is also the best inheritor of BIBS’ IB gene.

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  • 2013年6月,顺义校区高中部通过国际文凭大学预科项目(IB DP)认证

  • 2016年7月,顺义校区初中部通过国际文凭中学项目(IB MYP)认证

  • 2018年7月,顺义校区小学部通过国际文凭小学项目(IB PYP)认证。



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  • In July 2018, the primary school of the Shunyi campus was authorized by the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP).

  • In June 2013, the high school of Shunyi Campus was authorized by International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP).

  • In July 2016, the middle school of the Shunyi campus was authorized by the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP).

So far, BIBS Shunyi Campus has achieved full IB certification and has become an IB world-renowned school.

Compared with other international courses, the IB curriculum integrates many international education concepts in the world, and it pays more attention to the Holistic education, and cultivates knowledge and skills more comprehensive. It is of great value for students' potential exploration and ability improvement.

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在John D’Arcy校长长达十五年的国际学校工作生涯中,所就职的国际学校均为IB世界名校,但在他看来,青苗IB课程的独特之处在于,它是融合中国教育特色、拥有鲜活生命的IB课程体系。


——John D’Arcy



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BIBS’ IB curriculum is more suitable for Chinese students based on the above mentioned.

The international schools where John D’Arcy has worked in the past 15 years are all IB world-renowned schools. In his view, the uniqueness of the BIBS’s IB curriculum is that it integrates the characteristics of Chinese education and makes its IB courses more vivid.

“Students in Beanstalk’s IB programs engage with the Chinese National Curriculum that is enriched by the finest global curriculum. Beanstalk’s unique Educational Model has been designed to merge Chinese educational values with IB educational characteristics.”

——John D’Arcy

Under the IB curriculum framework, BIBS boldly incorporates the Chinese course into the IB curriculum, and adopts bilingual teaching with integration of Chinese and Western culture. All these allowed BIBS form a unique "international bilingual" teaching feature.

At BIBS, the Chinese course attaches great importance to cultivating of reading ability and comprehension, developing a positive cultural understanding and identity, and combining the power of the humanities, of history and philosophy together with the depth of language and literature.

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在过去两年的IBDP大考中,青苗学子在中文文学及中文语言与文学考试中发挥卓越,35% DP毕业生取得满分的好成绩!这样的惊人的中文成绩在所有国际学校的IB大考中是极其难得的!

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On the BIBS Shunyi Campus, a collection of works called Mengya contains a detailed collection of Chinese works from class K to 10th grade, including homework, tasks assessment, and personal creation. It is a timetable for Chinese learning, which lasts for ten years. It is also a transcript of Chinese teaching on Shunyi Campus, which shows various teaching methods and results. From the immature strokes in the preschool to the proficient writing and freely stated views, BIBS' learners all have rich Chinese deposits under the teaching method of general Chinese.

In the IBDP exams in the past two years, BIBS' learners performed well in Chinese literature and Chinese language and literature exams, and 35% of DP graduates achieved full marks!Such an amazing Chinese score is extremely rare in the IB exams of all international schools!



What Is the Impact of the Pandemic on Shunyi Campus?



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In 2020, the pandemic undoubtedly had a great impact on all industries, especially on Chinese international education. In the face of the pandemic, the author of "A Brief History of Mankind" said:“the storm will pass, and humankind will survive.”

It is true that the pandemic will end, but what it brings to the BIBS Shunyi Campus is far from simple as online classes.

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In 2020, BIBS had to change from offline to online teaching against such a backdrop. In just one day, BIBS' IT department doubled the internet speed and provided strong technical support for teachers. Teachers who have taken on countless parents' and children’s ardent expectations have lived up to the expectations and constantly adjusted their teaching methods and explored online and offline teaching strategies for emergencies.

At the turn of the New Year, due to repeated pandemics, Shunyi Campus returned to online classes. While in this time, BIBS demonstrated 120% of calmness. In this year's online classes, students can even study in groups, and the course arrangement is almost the same as during school. In the feedback from more than 100 parents, the satisfaction rate of online lessons reached 90%, and BIBS Shunyi Campus received countless “thank you”.




在John D’Arcy和贡明二位校长看来,在线教育是未来教育的一种趋势,是正在经历的,对未来教育的一种预言。疫情是挑战,但同时也赋予了我们重新思考的机会,青苗社区将根据疫情、国际形势和教育发展趋势的变化,积极创新混合式教学模式。

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With the changes in the teaching model brought about by the pandemic, BIBS’ people think again.

According to John D’Arcy and Grace Gong, online education is a trend in future education and what is being experienced is a prediction of future education. The pandemic is a challenge, but it also gives us an opportunity to rethink. The BIBS community will actively innovate a hybrid teaching model in accordance with the pandemic, the international situation and changes in education development trends.

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BIBS has always remained true to its original intention since its inception. Faced with the unpredictable future world, BIBS Shunyi Campus accumulated ten years' experience and cultivated thousands of learners with full IB certification. It also seeks to empower its learners to become bilingual, multi-cultural and global-minded citizens in an ever-changing world, overseas, and back to China.
































