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Do Health Apps Really Make Us Healthier?



In the past few years, a number of companies have marketed wearable devices and mobile apps that can track our personal health data. These "mHealth" devices and apps have led to the birth of what is known as the "quantified self" — a phenomenon where individuals start tracking their behavioral, physiological, biological, and other kinds of health markers.



A key question of interest in this ecosystem remained unanswered up until recently: Is there any scientific evidence that consumer adoption and usage of these wearable devices and mobile health apps actually leads to a tangible change in their behavior, which, in turn, can show up in concrete health care outcomes? This is the question my coauthors and I investigated in a recently published paper.



The adoption of the mHealth app led to an improvement in both short-term metrics (such as a reduction in patients' blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels) and longer-term metrics (such as a reduction in hospital visits and medical expenses). Patients who adopted the mHealth app undertook higher levels of exercise, consumed healthier food with lower calories, walked more steps, and slept longer on a daily basis. Our study shows that users of mHealth devices and apps can became more autonomous and more motivated in self-regulating their health behavior and more engaged and consistent in their lifestyle and wellness behavior, which leads to improved health outcomes.

通过使用mHealth应用程序,短期指标(例如降低患者的血糖和糖化血红蛋白水平)和长期指标(例如减少就诊和医疗费用)均得到改善。使用mHealth应用程序的患者每天都要进行更高水平的运动,食用更健康的食品,降低卡路里,走更多的步伐并且睡得更长一些。我们的研究表明,mHealth设备和应用程序的用户可以变得更加自主,可以更加主动地自我调节自己的健康行为,并使其生活方式和健康行为更具参与性和一致性,从而改善健康状况。(原文中最后一句“can became”疑似语法错误,或为“can become”)



  • in the past few years 在过去几年中;

  • a number of 许多;

  • market /ˈmɑːkɪt/ vt.销售;推销;

  • wearable devices 穿戴设备;

  • lead to the birth of 催生;

  • be known as 以……著名;

  • quantified/ˈkwɑːntɪfaɪd/ adj.量化的;

  • phenomenon /fəˈnɑːmɪnən/ n.现象;

  • behavioral /bɪˈheɪvjərəl/ adj.行为的;

  • physiological /ˌfɪziəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ adj.生理的;

  • biological/ˌbaɪəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ adj.生物学的;

  • marker /ˈmɑːrkər/ n.现象;表现;

  • remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ v.保持;

  • up until recently 直到最近;

  • adoption /əˈdɑːpʃn/ n.采用;采纳;

  • tangible /ˈtændʒəbl/ adj.有形的;实际存在的;

  • concrete /ˈkɑːnkriːt/ adj.具体的;

  • outcome /ˈaʊtkʌm/ n.结果;

  • investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ vt.调查;

  • metric /ˈmetrɪk/ n.标准;

  • blood glucose 血糖;

  • glycated hemoglobin levels 糖化血红蛋白水平;

  • undertake/ˌʌndərˈteɪk/ vt.去做;

  • consume /kənˈsuːm/ vt.消耗;

  • autonomous /ɔːˈtɑːnəməs/ adj.自主的;

  • engage /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ v.参与;

  • wellness /ˈwelnəs/ n.健康;


文本选自:Harvard Business Review(哈佛商业评论)

作者:Anindya Ghose

原文发布时间:8 May 2021


A bold attempt is half success.
