3 shot outside Milwaukee Bucks game. Hours later, 17 others are shot a few blocks away


By Andy Rose, CNN

CNN,Andy Rose报道

Updated 8:49 AM ET, Sat May 14, 2022


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The first shooting took place about a block from where the Milwaukee Bucks were playing.


(CNN)Seventeen people were shot Friday night in downtown Milwaukee just hours after three were shot a few blocks away, near the arena where the Milwaukee Bucks were playing in the NBA Playoffs.


Ten people were taken into custody in the shooting downtown, and nine firearms were recovered, according to Milwaukee Police Capt. Warren Allen.据密尔沃基警长Warren Allen称,在市中心的枪击事件中,10人被拘留,9支枪支被收回。

The 17 people shot ranged in age from 15 to 47, Allen said.Allen说,被枪击的17人年龄从15岁到47岁不等。

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In the shooting near the arena, two men, 26 and 29, and a 16-year-old girl were wounded, according to Allen. All are expected to survive, he said.据Allen说,在竞技场附近的枪击事件中,两名26岁和29岁的男子以及一名16岁的女孩受伤。他说,所有人都有望幸存。

"There was a 19-year-old male taken into custody in connection with this incident," Allen said. "Charges are pending review by the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office."“有一名19岁的男子因与此事件有关而被拘留,”Allen说。“密尔沃基县地方检察官办公室正在对指控进行审查。”

That incident occurred around 9:12 p.m. close to the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive and Highland Avenue, about a block from the Bucks' home court at Fiserv Forum.这次事件发生在晚上9点12分左右,靠近马丁·路德·金大道和高地大道的交叉口,距离雄鹿队在Fiserv Forum的主场大约一个街区。

Police did not disclose the names of the people involved nor a possible motive.警方没有透露涉案人员的姓名和可能的动机。

The Bucks lost to the Celtics on Friday night-- 108-95 -- forcing a seventh game on Sunday to determine who will play Miami in the Eastern Conference finals.周五晚上,雄鹿以108-95输给了凯尔特人,迫使他们在周日进行第七场比赛,以确定谁将在东部决赛中对阵迈阿密