



1. 组成安排

① 结果部分,列出最能体现实验结果的代表性数据,并在起承转合的部分体现出行文的逻辑关系。

② 要注意把结果描述清楚,做了哪些实验,发现了什么现象,有什么结论。

③ 不要对结果过多解释,不能加入主观评价。

④ 每一小段都在结尾处,解释这部分结果,便于审稿人和读者对文章的阅读和理解。

⑤ 重点强调对应于研究问题或者是假设的答案。

2. 数据安排

① 结果部分的数据,用文字、表格、图片分别展示。

② 数据的呈现原则是阴性的实验结果不需要给出具体的数据,但如果有重要的阴性结果,需要说明。

③ 要列出代表性数据而非所有的数据。

④ 图和表比正文表达得更加清楚,要善于用图片和表格简化结果部分的语言描述,但如果用简单的文字就能阐明,无需再用图表来表达。

⑤ 图表之间要标识清楚,格式统一,方向注意对齐。

⑥ 另外,要把最重要的发现放在Figure1。

⑦ 图表包含具有明确统计学意义的陈述,比如P值,不能夸大统计学上的细微差异。

⑧ 图、表、文字部分的数据,不要相互重复。

3. 时态问题


① 结果部分用于描述自己的研究结果,因为其发生于写作之前,叙述的时态基本上为过去时。

② 另外,需要用现在时态的子标题把每种不同的结果分成单独的小节,使得子标题与“方法”部分的子标题和图表的标题相互对应。

③ 在描述结果呈现形式(图或表),或者直接用图或表作为主语时,因为是写作当时发生的事,所以使用一般现在时。

4. 论证逻辑

① 结果部分应该按研究情况的逻辑进行展开,按照现象-机制-在体功能的逻辑顺序展开。

② 先把每个小的实验结果组织成不同的段落,段落语句之间再按照起承转合的部分进行连接。

③ 针对每个实验结果分别进行讲述,某个条件下做了哪些实验,哪些表达或现象变化。

④ 以生物类研究为例,一般是先写现象,比如以某种筛选得到蛋白的信息,或者在某种疾病的患者中发现某种基因或者蛋白的异常表达;再写机制,比如该基因或者蛋白通过某种分子或者信号通路起作用,最后写基因或者蛋白的在体功能。



increase, decrease; upregulate, downregulate; elevate, reduce; high, low; strong, weak; no change, pronounce; modulate, regulate, amerliorate


use, compare, examine, test, confirm, perform, devise, observe


cause, due to, therefore, thereby, as for, since, as a result, in order to, so


show, suggest, reveal, demonstrate, display, indicate, find, implicate, appear, surmise


Notably, Surprisingly, Interestingly, Significantly, In addition to, Unexpectedly,


By contrast; Accordingly; Consistently; Consistent with this prediction/previous findings that; correlated with; Indeed, Consequently, Likewise, Similarly, As such, In spite of, In parallel to, Briefly, whereas, though, although, regardless of, nevertheless, conversely, despite, instead, even though, even if, while, in fact, on the other hand, at the same time


Taken together, In a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to summarize, in conclusion, to conclude

Together these results suggest that;

These results suggest that


1. To discover/test whether….., , we examined…….

2. XXX suggesting that at least part of the change in XXX is due to

3. To confirm that XXX function is indeed XXX, we performed XXX.

4. We then assayed XXX-like phenotypes and found that XXX displayed XXX.

5. How does XXX? We hypothesize that XXX

6. According to the findingd that XXX, we thus speculate that XXX.

7. Previous report that XXX, led us to evaluate the effect of XXX.

8. Thus, by increasing XXX expression or decreasing XXX, we were able to phenocopy XXX

9. Given that XXX plays a pivotal role in XXX , and in light of our finding that

XXX, we tested whether

10. By applying XXX that enabled XXX, we found that XXX.