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内蒙古农业大学孙志宏研究团队 采用一种新的方法(SMRT测序联合ddPCR技术)追踪了婴儿从出生后5天到6个月大(出生后5、15、30、60、90、120、150和180 d)的肠道双歧杆菌群落的发育轨迹和时间动态。

Results and Discussion


婴儿粪便双歧杆菌群落的物种水平组成如图1所示。所有样品中共检测到11种双歧杆菌。最常见的种类是Bifidobacterium dentium (37.35%)、Bifidobacterium catenulatum(32.04%)、Bifidobacterium breve(22.24%)和Bifidobacterium animalis(8.02%)。低丰度的种类包括Bifidobacterium adolescentis(0.19%)、Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum(0.07%)、Bifidobacterium longum(0.06%)、Bifidobacterium saguini(0.03%)、Bifidobacterium ruminantium(0.003%)、Bifidobacterium bifidum(0.003%)和Bifidobacterium thermacidophilum(0.002%)。随着时间的推移,在双歧杆菌群落的构成中观察到巨大的个体差异。

图1 婴儿粪便双歧杆菌群落的物种水平组成


婴儿微生物群显示出高度个体化的发育轨迹(图2)。婴儿GF的主要物种是Bifidobacterium catenulatum,具有相对稳定的发育轨迹。在婴儿ZZ中,Bifidobacterium breve是丰富的,其发育轨迹是波动的。婴儿QM和婴儿TN含量最丰富的物种是Bifidobacterium dentium。然而,在婴儿QM中,Bifidobacterium dentium的发育轨迹呈现逐渐减少的趋势,而在婴儿TN中则呈现相反的趋势。

图2 四名婴儿(GF、ZZ、QM和TN)粪便双歧杆菌主要物种随时间的变化



图3 不同时间点四名婴儿(GF、QM、ZZ和TN)粪便宏基因组样本中双歧杆菌的基因含量






孙志宏,男,汉族,内蒙古农业大学乳品生物技术与工程教育部重点实验室研究员,博士研究生导师,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。一直从事乳酸菌生物多样性、基因组学和肠道微生物等方面的基础研究,主持承担国家自然科学基金项目、863项目、内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目,入选内蒙古自治区“草原英才”工程、内蒙古自治区“321人才工程”。期间发表学术论文128篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者发表学术论文55篇;授权发明专利12项,参编学术专著2 部,参与起草5项质量安全地方标准。获教育部技术发明一等奖、内蒙古自治区科学技术进步一等奖、教育部科学技术进步二等奖、内蒙古自治区自然科学二等奖等科技奖励,荣获内蒙古青年创新人才奖、内蒙古优秀科技工作者称号、内蒙古自治区优秀博士学位。

SMRT sequencing and ddPCR reveal the complexity of developmental trajectories and temporal dynamics of gut bifidobacterial communities in infants

Xu Gao1, Tao Zhang1, Xiaoye Bai, Qiannan Wen, Dongyu Li, Lai-Yu Kwok, Heping Zhang, Zhihong Sun*

Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Engineering, Ministry of Education; Key Laboratory of Dairy Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Dairy Biotechnology and Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China

1 Both authors contributed equally.

*Corresponding author.


Infant intestinal microbiome is closely linked with health and risk of disease. Bifidobacterium are important components of the infant gut and are known to confer various health effects on the host. However, few studies have described the precise composition and dynamics of early infant gut bifidobacterial communities. Thus, this was a pilot study aiming to describe the developmental trajectories and temporal dynamics of bifidobacterial communities in infants before 6 months of age. A total of 28 fecal samples from 4 infants (GF, ZZ, QM, TN, respectively) were collected and analyzed after 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days of birth by a bifidobacteria-target method (based on single-molecule real-time sequencing of partial bifidobacterial rpsK genes) in conjunction with droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR). The infant fecal microbiota comprised a total of 11 bifidobacterial species, including 4 major species, i.e., B. dentium (37.35 %), B. catenulatum (32.04 %), B. breve (22.24 %), and B. animalis (8.02 %). The infant microbiota showed highly individualized developmental trajectories. The leading species for GF was B. catenulatum, with a relatively stable developmental trajectory. In ZZ, B. breve was enriched, and the developmental trajectory was rather fluctuating. The most abundant species for QM and TN was B. dentium. The developmental trajectory of B. dentium in QM showed a trend of gradual decrease, whereas an opposite trend was seen in samples of TN. The results of ddPCR confirmed large variations in quantities of bifidobacteria between infants and suggested discordances in temporal dynamics of bifidobacterial communities during the first half year of infancy. In conclusion, our results suggested that the early infant gut bifidobacterial microbiota was highly complex and temporal dynamics, with individualized developmental trajectories, which should be considered in future research of infant gut microbiota.


GAO X, ZHANG T, BAI X Y, et al. SMRT sequencing and ddPCR reveal the complexity of developmental trajectories and temporal dynamics of gut bifidobacterial communities in infants[J]. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2023, 12(5): 1743-1750. DOI:10.1016/j.fshw.2023.02.036.




为进一步促进动物源食品科学的发展,带动产业的技术创新,更好的保障人类身体健康和提高生活品质,由北京食品科学研究院、中国肉类食品综合研究中心、国家肉类加工工程技术研究中心及中国食品杂志社《食品科学》杂志、《Food Science and Human Wellness》杂志、《Journal of Future Foods》杂志主办,贵州大学共同主办,贵州医科大学、清华大学深圳国际研究生院、河南省大鲵保护与发展协会支持协办,中国食品杂志社《肉类研究》杂志、《乳业科学与技术》杂志、《Food Science of Animal Products》承办,钛和中谱检测技术(厦门)有限公司、贵州油研纯香生态粮油科技有限公司、岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司、四川安好众泰科技有限公司、贵州成义烧坊酒业股份有限公司、贵州黔醉酒业(集团)有限公司、黔东南民生食品有限公司、贵州普安红茶业(集团)有限公司等企业赞助的“2023年动物源食品科学与人类健康国际研讨会”即将于2023年10月28-29日在贵州贵阳召开。