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In ancient times, ceilings were a passage from the earthly realm to the sky. Rising high like an umbrella, resembling a covered food steamer, suspended from the ceiling indoors, this is known as a coffered ceiling.

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The strict hierarchy of ancient architecture allowed only imperial palaces, temples, and Buddhist altars to use coffered ceilings leading to the sky. Coffers with dragon and phoenix motifs were exclusively reserved for the highest-level royal buildings.

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Ancient Chinese people revered and worshiped nature and natural phenomena, advocating the unity of heaven and humanity. They emphasized imitating nature and adhered to the "round sky, square earth" principle, a special interpretation of their cosmology.


Coffered ceilings feature vibrant colors and exquisite craftsmanship, making them highly ornamental. Like a splendid large umbrella, a coffered ceiling enhances the grandeur of the architecture. Coffered ceilings display ingenious craftsmanship and aspirations to reach the heavens, where the stars shine brilliantly—a representation of the most beautiful celestial realm for the Chinese people.
