
作者:卢国鹏 船长




第一部分 代理发来的具体要求

抵港前需要提前联系港口代理,此港是否可以更换卫生证书,并且查一下港口是否在经过IHR授权的最新办理船舶卫生证书的全球港口清单里面IHR List of Authorized ports to issue Ship Sanitation Certificates(WHO)

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please see below items which is normally checked by Sanitary Authority on the inspection or documental analysis.

1) Toilet flush must be working properly and without any problem.厕所冲水保持好用。

2) Please place on hospital/galley compartment wastebasket with pedal type as per below:医院&厨房垃圾桶一定要用脚踏式的,船上没有可以联系代理进行购买,检查前备齐即可。

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3)Remove all kinds of cleaning materials from galley /provisions store such as materials used for cleaning floor, glass, etc...厨房不允许有清洁材料(如洗洁精,地板清洁剂等)。

4) Air conditioning room, must be duly clean without any kind of clothes/materials.空调间不要存杂物(如衣服&备件等)。

5) Kindly be informed that port health are very strictly when checking the medical log book, therefore, in case of any medicine consumption during voyage, kindly inform to us prior vessel's arrival,严格检查药品使用记录。

6) To replace containers used to store foods on provisions store from pasteboard to plastics and identify all items with labels in English language.伙食库使用塑料筐放置蔬菜,并且用英文标注名称。

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7) Be assured that sewage treatment system is working in good order/properly. Fyg, during port health clearance on board, the port health boarding officers require a sample of chemical product being used to treat vessel’s holding tanks or sewage treatment system.

Make sure that tank’s pipe are not clogged up with chlorine tablets, if you treat water with chlorine.

Be clear when informing Health Authority that you introduce tablet by tablet carefully, one by one.


8) Kindly place liquid soap in the galley and hospital.洗手液放置在医院&厨房配餐间。

9) Common lavatories must have a “wash your hands” label close to the sinks.如何洗手需要张贴在公关洗手盆附近。

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10) Port health inspector will ask for a potable water analysis certificate or a log book for the analysis being performed by the crew.官方淡水化验记录&船上自己的淡水化验记录。

11) Management plan for food safety (including food temperature record) updated.食品安全管理手册(包含库房温度记录)。

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12) Management plan for vector control updated.有害生物控制管理计划,可以适当自己制作一个。

13) please ensure there will be a first aid kit in the galley, far and separated from the food;急救药箱在厨房,要和厨房食品分开&有IMO贴。

14) Sharp objects on galley must be placed in boxes and gloves for handling knifes must be available in the galley.厨房刀具要放在一个专用抽屉或者盒子里,并且要有链式手套。

15) Please provide 2 pedal basket bin, 1 for normal trash and 1 for biohazard trash as per below。 医院垃圾桶两个均为脚踏式,一个医用专用垃圾桶&一个平时用垃圾桶。

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16) Refrigerator in the hospital must have a thermometer inside: 医院冰箱需要放置一个温度计。

17) If you there a refrigerator for crew in the Eng. Room, make sure that nothing except food will be inside, no battery, no tools, nothing!集控室冰箱只允许放食品,不能放有电池.工具等待。

18) Steel glove for cooking.

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19) Please ensure your water test kit is complete and log book is updated. 船上自己的淡水化验设备好用&保持记录。

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For your guidance port health authority will perform a detailed/rigid inspection on board the vessel and to avoid any possible heavy fine and/or berthing delay, suggest you to re-inspect galley/pharmacy, etc and keep separated in a closed plastic bag all expired foods, medicines (including 1st aids apparatus). Please destroy/incinerate all the possible expired things/items or keep it in closed plastic bags inside closed drums. Foods and medicines without any date (issue/expire) will be considered expired by health officers.

Make sure that containers used for garbage are dully closed, separated and identified.

All vessels proceeding from foreign ports to the port of Santos, must comply with the new regulation issued from Port Health Authority, informing that all garbage generated on board during the voyage must be stored in white garbage bags according to the article 7º section III. All vessels must have a garbage bin with automatic set pedal (to avoid touching) and with a white garbage bag on vessel's entrance/exit in order to discard safety equipment used by shore labors when leaving the vessel.

第二部分 登轮检查的具体项目



1.Fresh water analysis
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1.Fresh water analysis

Fresh water tanks cleaning logs

Fresh water tanks location

2.Air condition maintenance logs

3.Food safety manuals

4. medical log book

5.Cleaning Logs and procedures(All Areas)

6.Pest management plan and logs of actions

7.Garbage record book and garbage management plan





三. 垃圾站检查



医院地面卫生,随机抽查药品,是否和list一致,检查medical log book and certificate,厕所冲水,洗手盆,洗手液,餐巾纸,卫生纸。













