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案例四互联网核查印尼民法典,维护未到庭当事人合法权益——江苏脒诺甫纳米材料有限公司与PT.DRE RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL国际货物买卖合同纠纷案




案例八多维度查明伊朗民法规定,精准界定损害赔偿范围——贝沙赫尔工业公司(Behshahr Industrial Company)与江阴科玛金属制品有限公司国际破产债权确认纠纷案

案例九准确适用《纽约公约》,不予承认和执行“超裁”裁项——Bright Morning Limited与宜兴乐祺纺织集团有限公司申请承认和执行外国仲裁裁决纠纷案





——江苏脒诺甫纳米材料有限公司与PT.DRE RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL国际货物买卖合同纠纷案



江苏脒诺甫纳米材料有限公司(以下简称脒诺甫公司)与PT.DRE RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL(以下简称DRI公司)签订锆英砂买卖合同一份,购买锆英砂,并约定了货物价格及付款方式等。合同签订后,脒诺甫公司支付给DRI公司174000美元,在DRI公司告知脒诺甫公司货物已经在货场后,脒诺甫公司又支付了174000美元,DRI公司却迟迟未交付任何货物,经脒诺甫公司多次催讨,DRI公司拒不交货。脒诺甫公司故诉至法院,请求解除上述买卖合同、DRI公司返还货款348000美元等。被告DRI公司经外交途径及公告送达,未到庭参加诉讼。



































Case IIdentifying and clarifying Singaporean law, confirming the real shareholder status under equity trusteeship.——Wu Peiliang vs. Sheng Haomin, Shen Yanqin the Property Damage Compensation Dispute

Case IIApplying Hong Kong Precedents to clarify the boundary of “Piercing the corporate veil”.——Wuxi Yaswei Metro Media Co., Ltd. vs. Qianqu Import & Export Co., Ltd., Shanghai Qianqu Network Technology Co., Ltd. Advertising Contract Dispute

Case IIIThe Judge ascertains the Australian law ex officio and determines the qualification for shareholder representative litigation——Mei Shanhai vs. Lin Xiaoning, Tao Xisong, Tao Xi Feng, and Sun Suping the Dispute over Liability for Damages to Company Interests

Case IVVerifying the Indonesian Civil Code online, Vindicating the interest of the default party——Jiangsu Minonop Nano Material Co., Ltd. vs. PT. DRE Resource International the International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute

Case VAccurately ascertain the German Civil Procedure Law and confirm the validity of the arbitration clause——Yixing New Will Reach Rare Earth Co., Ltd. vs. OSRAM GMBH the International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute

Case VIProactively ascertain the Macau Commercial Code to confirm the effectiveness of shareholders' corporate governance actions——You Aimei vs. Jiangsu Huanhai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and the third party Macau Qiujing Trading Co., Ltd. Request to Change Company Registration Dispute

Case VIIIdentifying complex legal relationships and applying Korean Commercial Law to resolve preliminary issues——TiTi Corporation vs. Tiantian Company, Cho Woo-hyun, the Shareholder Right to Information Dispute

Case VIIIAccurately ascertain Iranian civil law in multi-dimension and define the scope of damage compensation——Behshahr Industrial Company vs. Jiangyin Komar Metal Products Co., Ltd. The Confirmation of International Bankruptcy Claims Dispute

Case IXAccurately apply the New York Convention, and reject to recognize or enforce 'excessive' arbitration awards——Bright Morning Limited vs. Yixing Leqi Textile Group Co., Ltd. Applying for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award Dispute

Case XPriority Application of the CISG, Clarifying the Absence of Payment Obligation before Inspection of Goods——International Sale of Goods Contract between Samsung STS Corporation and Wuxi Dingchen Metal Products Co., Ltd

Case IV

Verifying the Indonesian Civil Code online, Vindicating the interest of the default party.

——Jiangsu Minonop Nano Material Co., Ltd. vs. PT. DRE Resource International the International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute


Basic Facts

Jiangsu Minonop Nano Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Minonop") entered into a contract with PT. DRE Resource International (hereinafter referred to as "DRI") for the purchase of zircon sand, agreeing on the price of the goods and payment methods, etc. After signing the contract, Minonop paid DRI $174,000. Following DRI's notification that the goods were at the warehouse, Minonop made an additional payment of $174,000. However, DRI didn’t deliver any goods despite Minonop's repeated demands. Consequently, Minonop filed a lawsuit in court, seeking to dissolve the sales contract and requesting DRI to return the payment of $348,000, etc. DRI did not appear in court after being served through diplomatic methods and public announcement.


Court Ruling

In this case, Minonop requested to apply the laws of the People's Republic of China. The Court held that, according to the doctrine of the most significant relationship stipulated in Article 41 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-Related Civil Relations, the subject matter of the contract, which involved minerals, was locatedwithin the territory of Indonesia, and the business premises and contract signing place of the seller DRI were both in Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesian law should be applied. After the court's clarification, Minonop found the "Indonesian Civil Code" (in English) through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees website (www.refworld.org) and the German Marie Osmond database (https://mayosmond.com), requesting the application of Articles 1267 and 1480, and provided the corresponding Chinese translations. The court verified the content of the "Indonesian Civil Code" using the search method provided by Minonop, confirmed the provisions of the code, and completed the identification of the applicable law for the case. Ultimately, based on the provisions of the "Indonesian Civil Code" regarding the invalidity of contracts, the court ruled in favor of Minonop's claims. The judgment became final in the first instance.


Typical Significance

In the trial of foreign-related commercial cases, the absence of a party does not justify the direct application of domestic law. Instead, the applicable law should be determined by the lex fori. In this case, despite the absence of the overseas defendant, the court did not directly adopt Minonop's request to apply Chinese law. Instead, it determined the foreign law to be applied according to the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-Related Civil Relations and clarified this to Minonop according to the law. The court verified the authenticity of the foreign law provided by the party based on the search, thus recognizing the content of the foreign law in the absence of the defendant. The method of ascertaining foreign law in this case solved the difficulty of questioning the foreign law in absent trials, greatly improved the efficiency of trials and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the parties both substantively and procedurally.

Case V

Accurately ascertain the German Civil Procedure Law and confirm the validity of the arbitration clause.

——Yixing New Will Reach Rare Earth Co., Ltd. vs. OSRAM GMBH International Sale of Goods Contract Dispute


Basic Facts

Yixing New Will Reach Rare Earth Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "New Will Reach Company") and OSRAM GMBH (hereinafter referred to as "OSRAM") signed a "Strategic Supplier Agreement,"reaching cooperation on the procurement of rare earth products. Article 18 of the "Strategic Supplier Agreement" clearly stipulates the arbitration clause: "18.1 All disputes arising from or related to this agreement, including any issues regarding the existence, validity, interpretation, or termination of this agreement, shall be finally settled by three (3) arbitrators according to the 'International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Rules' of the International Chamber of Commerce located in Paris... 18.3 The place of arbitration is Munich. For matters not provided for in the arbitration rules, the procedural law of the place of arbitration shall apply." Based on this, OSRAM objected to the lawsuit filed by New Will Reach Company, arguing that the case should be submitted to arbitration and that the lawsuit filed by New Will Reach Company should be dismissed.


Court Ruling

The Court held that, according to the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-Related Civil Relations, parties may agree to choose the law applicable to the arbitration agreement.If the parties have not chosen, the law of the seat of the arbitral institution or the law of the place of arbitration applies. In this case, the parties did not agree to choose the law applicable to the arbitration agreement, but it was stipulated that the seat of arbitration is in Germany. Therefore, the effectiveness of the arbitration clause involved should be governed by German law. According to Articles 1029 and 1031 of the "German Code of Civil Procedure," the arbitration clause involved is effective, and there is no other evidence proving its invalidity; thus, the court confirmed the effectiveness of the arbitration clause. New Will Reach Company should file to the International Chamber of Commerce for arbitration in Munich, Germany, according to the arbitration agreement. Therefore, the court ruled to dismiss the lawsuit filed by New Will Reach Company. The case entered into force at first instance.


Typical Significance

This case is the first successful exploration by the court in applying foreign procedural law. According to Article 18 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-Related Civil Relations,If the parties have not chosen, the law of the seat of the arbitral institution or the law of the place of arbitration applies. This case clearly identified the seat of arbitration in Munich, Germany, requiring the judgement of the effectiveness of the arbitration clause based on German law. OSRAM provided legal opinions from German arbitration lawyers and relevant provisions of the "German Code of Civil Procedure." The court verified the content of the relevant provisions of the "German Code of Civil Procedure" through the Internet and ultimately ascertained the definition and effective provisions of the arbitration agreement in the "German Code of Civil Procedure," confirming the effectiveness of the arbitration clause involved. This trial reflects the cautious attitude of the court in the review of jurisdictional authority, demonstrates the Chinese courts' respect and support for international commercial arbitration, and is also a positive practice in the method of ascertaining foreign law. The judgment of this case was selected as one of the Foreign-related Typical Cases (2018-2021) issued by The High People's Court of Jiangsu Province.

Case VI

Proactively ascertain the Macau Commercial Code to confirm the effectiveness of shareholders' corporate governance actions.

——You Aimei vs. Jiangsu Huanhai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. and the third party Macau Qiujing Trading Co., Ltd. Request to Change Company Registration Dispute


Basic Facts

Qiujing Company, a business entity registered in the Macau Special Administrative Region, has shareholders Duan Zhe and Bi Shuxiu, who are married. Huanhai Company, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise established by Qiujing Company, has its articles of association stating that the chairman is the legal representative of the company. On December 22, 2016, Qiujing Company appointed You Aimei as the legal representative of Huanhai Company. On May 13, 2020, Bi Shuxiu issued a shareholder resolution to relieve You Aimei of her duties as the legal representative, appointing Bi Shuxiu instead. On May 19, 2020, Duan Zhe issued a shareholder resolution continuing to appoint You Aimei as the legal representative of Huanhai Company and sent a notification letter to Bi Shuxiu, expressing disagreement with Bi Shuxiu's previous shareholder decision. On August 19, 2020, with the approval of the Market Supervision Department, the legal representative of Huanhai Company was officially changed to Bi Shuxiu, and this change was upheld after an administrative appeal. You Aimei believed that the shareholder resolution issued by Bi Shuxiu was an unauthorized act by the administrative management members and thus had no effect on Qiujing Company; hence, she filed a lawsuit in court, requesting Huanhai Company to assist her in handling the change registration procedures to revert the position of the legal representative and chairman from Bi Shuxiu back to You Aimei.


Court Ruling

The Court held that, according to the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Application of Law on Foreign-Related Civil Relations and corresponding judicial interpretations, the legal issue involved in this case is whether the actions taken by the internal management personnel on behalf of the company can be recognized as the company's acts, which should be governed by the law of the place where the company is registered. Since Qiujing Company is registered in the Macau Special Administrative Region, the laws of the Macau Special Administrative Region should be applied. According to the provisions of the "Macau Commercial Code" and the association of Qiujing Company, the members of Qiujing Company's administrative department have the authority to represent the will of the company and sign all important documents on behalf of Qiujing Company, including representing shareholder rights in the management of Huanhai Company as stipulated by mainland laws and the company's articles of association, such as appointing the legal representative of Huanhai Company. According to the past practices of the company, Bi Shuxiu has always represented Qiujing Company in signing shareholder resolutions related to changes in Huanhai Company's scope of operations, amendments to the articles of association, and the appointment of the legal representative of Huanhai Company. Duan Zhe had never made similar shareholder resolutions before the dispute arose in this case. It can be determined that before the intensification of the conflicts, arrangements had already been made regarding the representation of shareholders in Huanhai Company, namely, that Bi Shuxiu would exercise shareholder rights on behalf of Qiujing Company. Therefore, the shareholder resolution issued by Bi Shuxiu on May 13, 2020, had legally effected. The court thus dismissed You Aimei's claims in first instance, and You Aimei did not appeal, making the judgment in force.


Typical Significance

Disputes arising from internal corporate governance have long been a major cause of corporation cases, especially in companies like Qiujing Company, which operates as a "spouse-owned business", where business decisions and external representations of the company are likely influenced by the marital relationship of the shareholders and managers. Under the basic principle that "the rights and obligations of legal entities are governed by the laws of the place of registration", a correct judgment can only be made by thoroughly examining the laws of the place of registration in conjunction with the company's articles of association, business history, and management practices. This case defined the authority of the members of the company's administrative management organ based on the "Macau Commercial Code," and combined with the company's articles of association and past governance history, comprehensively determined the legal effect of the shareholder resolution issued by Bi Shuxiu. It fully reflects the proactive role of the judiciary in clarifying the law and maintaining restraint and respect for autonomy when intervening in internal corporate governance issues. It is a vivid practice of the Wuxi court's active promotion of the ascertainment and application of foreign law, and it is an excellent demonstration of the integration of judicial rules between the Mainland and Macau.





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