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Tourists from around the world, including some from China, view the Eiffel Tower from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France, on Friday. FENG YONGBIN/CHINA DAILY

Deepening tourism cooperation between China and Europe will help vitalize the continent's economy, as tourism is one of its pillar industries.旅游业是欧洲支柱产业之一,深化中欧旅游合作将有助于提振欧洲经济。

Figures from travel agencies show that tour products to Europe have become hot sellers since early 2023 after China loosened outbound travel restrictions following the pandemic.旅行机构数据显示,自2023年初中国优化出境管理措施以来,欧洲游产品已成为热销旅游产品。

Traditionally popular European destinations such as France, Spain and Greece remain top choices for Chinese travelers, while "niche "destinations like Serbia and Montenegro have also become trendy.法国、西班牙和希腊等传统高人气欧洲目的地仍然是中国游客的首选,而塞尔维亚、黑山等“小众”目的地也变得流行起来。

"Some European destinations including Athens, Berlin, Milan and Zurich have seen an upsurge in searches on our platform recently," said online travel agency Qunar.旅行网站去哪儿网称:“最近,雅典、柏林、米兰和苏黎世等欧洲目的地在去哪儿网平台上的搜索量激增。”

Qi Chunguang, vice-president of Tuniu, said that destinations in Central and Eastern Europe have also lured more Chinese travelers because of lower costs and more friendly visa policies.途牛旅游网副总裁齐春光表示,由于成本较低和签证政策更友好,中东欧国家的旅游目的地也吸引了更多的中国游客。

Tourism industry insiders said that Europe delights in seeing more Chinese travelers, who will inject life into the continent's economy and help boost tourism-related employment.旅游业内人士表示,欧洲乐于见到更多的中国游客,他们将为欧洲经济注入活力,并有助于促进与旅游相关的就业。

Data analysis company Statista — founded in Hamburg, Germany — said the total contribution of travel and tourism to Europe's GDP was around $2.1 trillion in 2019, the year before the pandemic hit, while that dropped to around $1.9 trillion in 2022.德国数据分析公司Statista表示,2019年(疫情前)旅游业对欧洲GDP的总贡献约为2.1万亿美元,而2022年降至1.9万亿美元左右。

Travel and tourism account for a great share of some economies in Europe — for example, 24.8 percent of Croatia's GDP came from travel and tourism in 2019, according to Statista.旅游业在欧洲一些经济体中占有很大份额,例如,Statista数据显示,2019年克罗地亚24.8%的GDP来自旅游业。

Sandra Carvao, chief of tourism market intelligence and competitiveness at the World Tourism Organization, told People's Daily in a recent interview that China is one of the world's largest sources of travelers, so the recovery of China's tourism market is key to Europe's tourism industry development.联合国旅游组织市场信息和竞争力负责人桑德拉·卡沃日前在接受《人民日报》采访时称,中国是世界上最大的游客来源国之一,因此中国游客回归是欧洲旅游业发展的关键。

Eduardo Santander, executive director of the European Travel Commission, told People's Daily that destinations in Europe have made great efforts to attract Chinese travelers, such as deepening cooperation with China's airline companies and organizing tourism exhibitions in China.欧洲旅游委员会执行主任爱德华多·桑坦德告诉《人民日报》,欧洲的旅游目的地为吸引中国游客做了大量努力,比如深化与中国航空公司的合作,在中国举办旅游展等。

He said China had been the second largest source of travelers to Europe before the pandemic, and he hopes to see a growing number of Chinese travelers come to the continent this year.桑坦德说,疫情前中国一直是欧洲第二大游客来源地,他希望今年能看到越来越多的中国游客来欧洲旅游。


审校:万月英 陈丹妮
