
在这则名为《压碎》(Crush!)的广告中,一台巨大沉重的液压机把包括书籍、小号、颜料桶、吉他、钢琴、留声机、雕像、架子鼓、相机、游戏街机、显示器、塑料玩偶等碾压成片,然后顺势推出苹果公司有史以来最薄的产品iPad Pro 2024。


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Apple has apologised after an online backlash to an advert for its new iPad that features an industrial-sizedhydraulicpress crushing a collection of creative objects including musical instruments and books.

苹果公司为其新款 iPad 所做的一则广告在网上引起轩然大波,广告中一台工业级液压机压碎了包括乐器和书籍在内的一系列创意物品,苹果公司对此表示道歉。

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The ad, launched by Apple’schief executive, Tim Cook, on Tuesday, shows the machine squashing various items – ranging from a piano and ametronometo tins of paint and an arcade game – before a single iPad Pro then appears in their place.

这则广告由苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)于本周二发布,广告中,这台机器压碎了从钢琴、节拍器到罐装颜料和街机游戏等各种物品,然后在它们的位置上出现了一台iPad Pro。

Avoiceoverthen states: “The most powerful iPad ever is also the thinnest.”


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The implication that an iPad can squeeze humanity’s cultural prowess into an object with a depth of 5mm was viewed differently by commentators on social media.


The actor Hugh Grant wrote on X that the advert represented “the destruction of the human experience, courtesy of Silicon Valley”.

演员休·格兰特在X上写道,这则广告代表了 “硅谷对人类体验的破坏”。

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Justine Bateman, a US film-maker who has criticised the impact of artificial intelligence on her industry, wrote on X: “Why did Apple do an ad thatcrushesthe arts? Tech and AI means to destroy the arts and society in general.”


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Apple later apologised and acknowledged that the advert was misjudged.


“Creativity is in our DNA at Apple, and it’s incredibly important to us to design products that empower creatives all over the world,” said Tor Myhren, Apple’s vice-president of marketing communications, in a statement sent to the trade publication Ad Age.

苹果公司营销传播副总裁托尔·迈伦(Tor Myhren)在发给行业刊物《广告时代》的一份声明中说:“创意是我们苹果公司的基因,设计出让全世界创意人士都能发挥创意的产品对我们来说非常重要。”

“Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bringtheir ideas to life through iPad. We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.”


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Christopher Slevin, the creative director of the UK marketing agency Inkling Culture, wrote on LinkedIn: “It looks like Apple has become Big Brother itself, subtly shaping our digital lives in ways we may not fully grasp or choose to ignore. The new iPad Pro ad, while stunning, hints at a future where our creativity is confined to digital screens, and all physicality is crushed beneath therelentlessmarch of technology.”

英国营销机构Inkling Culture的创意总监克里斯托弗·斯莱文(Christopher Slevin)在领英上写道: “看起来苹果公司自己也成了老大哥,以我们可能无法完全掌握或选择忽视的方式巧妙地塑造着我们的数字生活。新的iPad Pro广告虽然令人惊叹,但却暗示了这样一个未来:我们的创造力被限制在数字屏幕上,所有的实体性都被压在了技术的无情前进之下。”

Paul Graham, a Silicon Valley investor, wrote on X that the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs “wouldn’t have shipped that ad”. He added: “It would have pained him too much to watch.”

硅谷投资人保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)在X上写道,苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯 “不会发布这则广告”。他还说:“看了会让他(乔布斯)非常痛苦。”






  • hydraulic/ haɪˈdrɒlɪk / adj.液压的

    例句:The boat has no fewer than five hydraulic pumps.


  • metronome/ ˈmetrənəʊm / n.节拍器

    例句:Also metronome would be helpful, please refer to the lessons in sophomore year.


  • voiceover/ ˈvɔɪsəʊvə(r) / n.画外音,解说者的声音

    例句:When the dialogue is being narrated in a voiceover, heard from another character not on-screen, it is called an extension.


  • crush/ krʌʃ / v.压坏,挤压变形;捣碎,碾成粉末;n.拥挤的人群;(对某人短暂的)热恋,迷恋

    例句:They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press.


  • relentless/ rɪˈlentləs / adj.坚韧的,不屈不挠的;残酷无情的,不留情面的;不停的,不间断的

    例句:His quest for perfection is relentless.


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