
该地方标准规定, “柳州螺蛳粉”的统一英文名为“Liuzhou Luosifen”。

Luosifen, or "river snail rice noodles", a beloved street food in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, is making waves internationally with the introduction of a standardized English translation: Liuzhou Luosifen.

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Previously, a variety of translations such as "snail noodles" and "snail rice-flour" failed to accurately convey the essence of this specialty.


And these translations might lead to misunderstandings among foreign diners, who might have mistaken the delicacy for a dish containing actual snails.


Meanwhile, this is a perfect marketing opportunity for Liuzhou Luosifen to enhance its visual identity by conveying the characteristics of this local delicacy more clearly.


Liuzhou exported more than 3,167 tons of Luosifen, with a total value of 87.27 million yuan ($12.16 million) in 2023, up 19.4 percent and 28.5 percent year-on-year, respectively, according to Liuzhou Customs.


对于这个英文名, 网友们也给出了自己的看法:

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谭旻说:“我们希望通过这样的翻译,保持中国美食文化的独特性,进一步加深国外食客对中国传统美食的印象,体现我们的文化自信。 ”

在《预包装柳州螺蛳粉外包装英文译写规范》中可以看到,“螺蛳”翻译为“Luosi”或“River snails”,“酸笋包”翻译为“Pickled bamboo shoots”,“麻辣味”翻译为“Mala flavo(u)r”或“Numbingly spicy flavo(u)r”,还有熟悉的“加臭加辣”翻译为“Extra sour/ordorous and spicy flavo (u)r”。

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综合来源:Z时代说 柳州晚报 中国日报 环球时报