【松江招商云澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』一个宜居的产品不外乎这几点:调性高雅的建筑立面精致且自然的社区景观尊崇的归家体验静谧休闲的邻里空间尺度感舒适的户型设计以及成熟的周边配套


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招商 ·云澜湾二期








招商 ·云澜湾位于松江核心地段永丰板块,据松江“十四五”规划,永丰板块北接G60科创走廊,南连松江南站枢纽(规划),【松江招商云澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!坐拥上海科技影都核芯承载区功能。




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招商 ·云澜湾毗邻松江南站,松江南站作为百万方的超级交通枢纽,总开发规模近500万㎡,未来建成后,这里将超过上海站7台15线、上海南站6台13线、上海西站3台8线,接棒虹桥成为下一个城市级交通枢纽。

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这样看来,松江无疑站在了时代发展的超级风口之上,而招商 ·云澜湾拥有着同价段其它项目难以企及的地段价值。【松江招商云澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!












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商业方面:新理想广场,三辰苑农贸市场、飞航广场、仓汇路美食一条街、泰晤士小镇步行可达,万达广场、 印象城开车畅达。

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在招商 ·云澜湾,总价仅需370w起买3房,除了享受醇熟配套,你理想的生活方式可尽览怀中,质价比前无古人,后也少有来者。





现在,单价仅需4字开头,总价370w起,即可购入松江核心地段3房,招商 ·云澜湾的高性价比超乎预期,完全是价值高地中的价格洼地!

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作为招商深耕上海20年之后开启的崭新篇章,招商 ·云澜湾容积率仅约1.6,给业主带来采光和视野的极致享受!



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  • 在装饰元素方面,以塔冠致敬松江传统建筑屋檐符号
  • 在色彩方面,以暖色隐喻着海派的砖红审美,当代与传相融共生
  • 在线条方面,项目受到松江织布发源的启发,运用大量的圆角设计,形成流畅而具有张力的曲线序列,与周边界面柔和相融【松江招商云澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!

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③ 建面约126㎡4房2卫

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单价4字开头,总价370万即可上车松江核心区三房,招商·云澜湾不【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" A livable product is nothing more than these points: elegant tonality of the building facade, delicate and natural community landscape, respect for the home experience, quiet and leisure neighborhood space, scale sense of comfortable design and mature surrounding supporting facilities.
Central enterprises merchants Snake with Songjiang seventh son -- 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! With a strong attitude into my sight, perfectly fit my heart about "quality housing" standards.
The main city of Songjiang is extremely rare and low-density residential area
Originality quality, mellow mature matching
The best way to get to Shanghai!
Investment · Yunlan Bay Phase II
Add to build a surface of about 96-126㎡ small high-rise
& Building surface about 135-141㎡ stack
The average price of 49291 yuan /㎡! 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!
All-around plate, heavy planning
A visible future!
The property market has proved countless times that if a sector wants to have extraordinary development, good planning and industry are the top priority!
Merchants · Yunlan Bay is located in the core area of Songjiang Yongfeng plate, according to the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Songjiang, Yongfeng plate north G60 science and technology corridor, south of Songjiang South Station hub (planning), 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! It has the function of the core carrying area of Shanghai Science and Technology Movie City.
1. Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Innovation Corridor
With Songjiang District as the traction and Songjiang hub as the support, the G60 Science and Innovation Corridor will strive to build a science and innovation corridor with international influence and an important innovation source in China.
At present, more than 100 enterprises listed in the Yangtze River Delta G60 science and technology innovation corridor science and technology innovation board, 【 Songjiang merchants Yunlan Bay 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! There are about 44,200 high-tech enterprises, and the cities participating in the G60 science and Technology corridor account for 1/24 of the country's population and 1/120 of the regional area, contributing about 1/15 of the country's GDP, 1/8 of the high-tech enterprises, and 1/5 of the listed enterprises on the science and technology board.
Yangtze River Delta G60 Science and Innovation corridor planning schematic
Yangtze River Delta G60 science and innovation corridor planning exhibition hall
2. Songjiang South Railway Station Hub
Yunlan Bay is adjacent to Songjiang South Railway Station, Songjiang South Railway Station as a super transportation hub of one million square meters, with a total development scale of nearly 5 million square meters, after the future completion, it will surpass Shanghai Station 7 15 lines, Shanghai South Railway Station 6 13 lines, Shanghai West Railway Station 3 8 lines, and take over Hongqiao to become the next city level transportation hub.
At the same time, the Songjiang core area plans to build a huge commercial, office, rental housing and other land properties around the Songjiang hub, and will also build a landmark building with a height of about 320 meters.
Photo source Shanghai Songjiang public account
3. Shanghai Science and Technology Film City
In 2017, Shanghai issued the "50 cultural and creative Articles", proposing to create a "1+3+X" development pattern, "of which" 1 "refers to the construction of Songjiang large-scale high-tech film and television base. 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!
As one of the main bodies of Shanghai Science and Technology Film City, Songjiang is striving to build an industry-leading science and technology film and television industry gathering center and a window for the global exchange of Chinese and foreign film and television culture in accordance with the heterogeneous dual-core development concept of "Science and technology core, window of the world".
At present, the output value of film and television enterprises in Shanghai Science and Technology Film Metropolis is close to 30% of the output value of the national film and television industry, and some high-level film and television production bases have been gathered or planned to be built.
Photo source Shanghai Songjiang public account
In this way, Songjiang undoubtedly stands on the super tuyair of the development of The Times, and China Merchants · Yunlan Bay has a lot value that is difficult to reach other projects in the same price segment. 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!
Mature matching rings
Enjoy the golden life circle
Songjiang's development started early, and it has a fairly complete supporting foundation and high-quality urban interface.
There is not only a future to look forward to, but also a visible present.
1. Clean urban construction
Songjiang core area construction in 2001, at the beginning of the construction of the overall planning only 21【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Square kilometers, the planned population is only 300,000, although the scale is not large, but the urban construction is not sloppy at all:
The width of the main road is 35-50 meters;
There are wide green belts of 10-20 meters on both sides of the road;
The construction of relevant urban roads and infrastructure was completed before the real estate project was launched;
The development of urban green space and water environment also follows the same way [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! It has been given priority over real estate development.
It can be seen that Songjiang pays more attention to long-term development, which also creates the high-quality urban construction surface of Songjiang.
2, the transportation is convenient, go out to enjoy the tram, five stations to change line 9
Songjiang traffic, the most characteristic is tram.
In the eyes of the people of Songjiang, trams are completely subway 2.0. 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!
Merchants · Yunlan Bay walk about 50 meters to Songjiang Tram line T1 and T2 line interchange station Sanxin North Road station, take tram five stops to transfer to metro Line 9, the transportation convenience is MAX!
3, fireworks residential area, full of life
Good residential projects are not only reflected in the quality of products, but also reflected in the surrounding living environment, where the fireworks are full of life, full of life, a variety of supporting can meet the needs of daily life!
Business: New Ideal Square, Sanchenyuan Farmers Market, Feihang Plaza, Canghui Road Food Street, Thames Town is within walking distance, Wanda Plaza, Impression City is within driving distance.
Medical: The project is surrounded by Shanghai First People's Hospital, 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Songjiang District Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Songjiang District Central Hospital, and many large hospitals escort the health of the owners.
Education: Songjiang Old Town is the most concentrated area in Songjiang that has been put into use of high-quality basic education resources. The project is surrounded by Songjiang No. 3 Experimental Primary School, Shanghai Normal University Affiliated Foreign Language High School, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics Affiliated Songjiang Experimental School, Shanghai Songjiang District Education College Affiliated Experimental School, etc. (Education exemption: the government does not divide pre-sale houses into school districts, and the project counterpart schools will be announced by the education authorities after the delivery of housing)
4. The park is surrounded
Within the 15-minute life circle of the project, there are green resources such as Yongfeng City Park, Thames Town and Sixian Park. The greening of different styles and riverside greenways and boulevards are interspersed and reflected, creating a beautiful scenery like spring in the four seasons. Thames Town is full of British scenery, as if walking on the streets of Europe.
Leisure time, about friends or family, stroll the lakeside, 【 Songjiang merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Watching the sunset slanting in the west, the sunset is gorgeous, in the fast-paced magic city, can have such a moment is too rare!
The seventh son of Songjiang
Quality and price ratio is excellent!
What do modern people buy when they buy a house? Buying a lifestyle.
In Merchants · Yunlan Bay, the total price only 370w to buy 3 rooms, in addition to enjoying mellow mature supporting, your ideal lifestyle can be fully seen in the arms, quality and price than never before, and few later.
1, Shanghai rare value highland, low price
As "the root of Shanghai and the source of culture", Songjiang's development started early.
There are many real estate prices in the core area of Songjiang and even about to break the 60,000 mark, the average price of second-hand housing is the highest firm 70,000 +/㎡, and many parts of the main city of Shanghai are comparable.
House price is the most intuitive response to the recognition degree of a region, Songjiang's development potential, the ability to serve the public can be seen, is no problem of value highland!
Now, the unit price only needs to start with 4 words, the total price from 370w, you can buy 3 rooms in the core area of Songjiang, the high cost performance of Merchants · Yunlan Bay exceeds expectations, is completely the price depression in the value highland!
Merchants Shekou heavy warehouse Songjiang 20 years, the development of the project handy, to create a lot of work with the significance of The Times, the quality is beyond doubt, trustworthy. 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!
2. Why is China Merchants · Yunlan Bay a livable masterpiece?
(1) Rare low-density residential areas in Shanghai
As a new chapter opened after 20 years of investment in Shanghai, the plot ratio of Merchants · Yunlan Bay is only about 1.6, which brings the ultimate enjoyment of lighting and vision to the owners!
You know, low density house land in the current new house market is available but not available!
Of the 75 lots of residential land sold in batches 1-4 this year, there are only 12 plots with plot ratio below 1.6 (inclusive)!
(2) Two water systems embrace each other
Songjiang, known as the "root of Shanghai", retains the water network landform with Jiangnan characteristics.
Merchants Yunlan Bay near two natural water systems, water systems will be the noise of the city, 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Isolated from exhaust interference, the building and nature are integrated to create an elegant and relaxed lifestyle.
(3) Architectural design aesthetics
The project draws inspiration from Songjiang's thousand-year cultural heritage and tries to create a new landmark of the city with full memories.
The facade maximizes the proportion of glass, showing visual lightness at the same time, and highlighting the aesthetic temperament of advanced atmosphere. The layout of the building closely matches the ecological landscape, and the West side villa + [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! The layout of the small high-rise in the eastern district is arranged from low to high, so that the indoor lighting is more abundant, and the households have a view as far as possible!
Renderings are for reference only and do not represent delivery standards
At the same time, there are many moving ideas in decorative elements, colors, and lines:
In terms of decorative elements, the tower crown pays tribute to the eaves symbol of Songjiang traditional architecture
In terms of color, the warm color is a metaphor for the Shanghai school of brick-red aesthetic, contemporary and traditional symbiosis
In terms of lines, the project is inspired by the origin of Songjiang weaving, and uses a large number of rounded corner design to form a smooth and strained curve sequence, which is soft and integrated with the surrounding interface. [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24-hour hotline) leads the Shanghai property market!
Renderings are for reference only and do not represent delivery standards
(4) Ultimate living experience
How to find inner peace and balance in the hustle and bustle of the city is a test of the foresight and design level of developers.
In this regard, Merchants · Yunlan Bay gave an "excellent answer sheet" 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The whole community adopts the style of slow life garden, creating a landscape configuration of "two axes, one forest and multiple flower lanes", with green trees, grass, paths, winding paths and beautiful scenery.
Renderings are for reference only and do not represent delivery standards
The project creates a "triple homecoming ritual" from the hotel-style community lobby, to the customized building foyer, and then to the customized underground garage, making life full of ritual.
In terms of privacy protection, Merchants · Yunlan Bay also made a full contribution [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Equipped with 6 security systems, community perimeter protection, vehicle video identification, global 24-hour video surveillance, unit access control, fingerprint lock and home security alarm system, all-round care for the safety of the owner.
Renderings are for reference only and do not represent delivery standards
The community is equipped with three full age activity space [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! Including children's activities area, youth sports area, elderly health care area, not only compatible with the human touch and living quality, but also to meet the social needs of all ages.
Renderings are for reference only and do not represent delivery standards
(5) Multiple apartment types
In addition to the outstanding landscape of the public area, Merchants · Yunlan Bay is striving for excellence in the design of the apartment. 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market!
Improved travel efficiency.
The project will add a small high-rise building of about 96-126㎡, and a superposition product of about 135-141㎡.
In order to better match the characteristics of improvement within the sector, the project was selected
"One ladder has no connecting porch"
The design, while ensuring lighting and a more quiet living environment, is also large
① The building surface is about 96 square meters, 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms
This is the most impressed me this period of the apartment type [Songjiang merchants Yunlan Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The arrangement of aircraft apartment type, ample space is not wasted, and the role of each square meter is maximized. [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! Three rooms facing south in the pattern to achieve the true north-south permeability, lighting effect is excellent.
② The building surface is about 100 square meters, 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms
This apartment will be 100 square space breakthrough to the south 3.5 rooms, about 5.2M (axis distance) horizontal hall, master bedroom suite design both private and practical, 【 Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! The sense of space and scale far exceeds the higher price of new homes! Lighting, vision, scale sense are shocking!
③ The building surface is about 126 square meters, 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms
The quad room faces south, and is LDKG integrated design, all bay window design, which greatly increases the sense of indoor scale and practical space.
In addition, there is a small amount of construction surface of about 135-141 square meters of superposition products [Songjiang recruitment Yunlan Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leading the Shanghai property market! It can meet the needs of the family for the further improvement of space and scale.
It is worth mentioning here that the 95 flat can choose two delivery methods: blank delivery or hardcover delivery.
The total price of blank delivery is only 3.4 million, and the reserve price is lower at the same time [Songjiang Merchants Yunlan Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) leads the Shanghai property market! Buyers can customize the decoration style,【松江招商云澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)领跑上海楼市!管是在产品力、性价比、板块位置、还是品牌赋能上,都不失为好的选择。