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The evil of human nature is the inability to see others live better than oneself. Some people's hatred has no reason, your excellence, talent, kindness, and happiness are all original sins.

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Giving someone a second chance is like giving them a second bullet to make up for not killing you with their first shot.

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Every time you restrain yourself, it means you are stronger than before.

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Things you don't want to do can be avoided, and people you don't want to see can be avoided. Your life is not meant to please others, but to treat yourself well.

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The more difficult it is, the more it is to remain calm, recognize the situation, give up illusions, think less, and act more; Make enough effort to have enough choices.

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Education is really not about how many books you have read. So in reality, some people are very cultured, but very uneducated.

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Maturity is not about understanding things, but understanding human nature.

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People have a sense of security when they have a way out. One day, when you really have no way out, you will find that any path in front of you can be taken and also accessible.

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Every year falls on the Summer Solstice, and half of the year has passed. Enjoy the tranquility of time, may the fleeting years be joyful.