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The loneliness we are experiencing is called confusion; The loneliness we experience is called growth.

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The greatest expenditure of human beings does not come from the overdraft of intelligence or physical strength, nor from the struggle with nature or peers, but from their own wars against themselves.

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There is nothing to regret, each has its own way to go. What originally didn't belong to you, just feel a little sad when you lose it, let go.

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There are two realms in life, one knowing and the other being satisfied, knowing what you want and being satisfied with what you have.

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The better a person is in life, the more low-key they are. The more powerful a person is, the less arrogant they are. The more calm a person is, the more they know how to respect others.

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On a foggy morning, one cannot see clearly into the distance, but at least every step under one's feet is clear. There will always be moments when the fog clears, and before that, you cannot be confined to your place and not take a step.

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The person who truly loves you is to bow your head first, wait for your emotions to stabilize, and then teach you how to be worldly wise, rather than insisting on winning or losing, until the last shot is scattered.

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Life requires luck, but if you are not strong in yourself, your hopes will become smaller and smaller. Luck cannot be controlled, and the only thing we can do is to become strong in ourselves.

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Too many people overestimate what they lack and underestimate what they have.