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In the life of a chicken feather on the ground, there are many sorrows that cannot be resolved or let go; How many obstacles, but unable to stop despite overcoming them. So, why not give yourself a bitter smile, cheer yourself up, and then continue to live well.

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If a person lacks enthusiasm, needs, and only pursues fame and fortune for the sake of others, and works hard, they are a fool.

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The dangerous environment and sense of crisis are the fundamental driving forces that drive humanity to constantly progress and conquer new things.

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Only by walking on the road can we break free from limitations, persistence, and make all choices, explorations, guesses, and imaginations vibrant.

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Soft hearted and face saving people, sorry for this, sorry for that, in the end, it is still oneself who suffers.

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99%的焦虑都来自于虚度时间和没有好好做事, 所以唯一的解决办法就是行动起来,认真做完事情,战胜焦虑,战胜那些心里空荡荡的时刻,而不是选择逃避。

99% of anxiety comes from wasting time and not doing things well, so the only solution is to take action, get things done seriously, overcome anxiety, and overcome those empty moments in the heart, rather than choosing to escape.

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A person with a good temper doesn't get angry easily, which doesn't mean they won't get angry; A person with a good personality just pretends to be confused, doesn't mean they have no bottom line.

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But I must follow the light I see and walk my own path.

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May July be filled with flowing light and shadows, waiting for the tenderness of time.