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Many things will gradually improve as long as you think in a positive direction.

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A mature person can see facts and see essence through phenomena.

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Friends who should come naturally come when time comes, and friends who should go, if it's difficult, it's better to forget.

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To sharpen one's mind, one should read, listen to music, appreciate drama, and be exposed to culture.

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All strength in the world relies on the accumulation of experience and experience.

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Embark on the path of life, the future is far and dark. However, don't be afraid, only those who are not afraid have a future ahead.

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Success is achieved through perseverance, skills are forced out. The harder it is to endure, the less one can be depressed. If one's talent is not as good as human beings, then they should study hard and keep improving day by day.

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Every lie we say is worthy of the truth, and we will repay it sooner or later.

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When self-discipline becomes an instinctive habit, you will enjoy its joy.