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"No wood is not carved, no stone is not carved", red is not only the choice of building materials in the ancient house of southern Fujian, but also a cultural symbol. This red color inherits the overseas trade tradition of the people of southern Fujian, symbolizing wealth and the rural style of showcasing the rich. In the ancient houses of southern Fujian, red building materials can be seen everywhere, just like a magnificent architectural feast. This kind of palace red has gone beyond the scope of traditional royal architecture and become the representative color of southern Fujian architecture. Whether it is red walls, red tiles or red wood carved beams, they all show their unique artistic charm.

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The red walls of the palace and the lush greenery around them complement each other, creating a unique architectural style. This sharp contrast not only makes the building itself more striking, but also makes the entire old house seem to become part of a colorful picture. Take a stroll through the different styles of Pan Tsai House and explore the stormy journey of overseas Chinese in South Asia. Wulin ancient village has a history of 100 years, known as the "Overseas Chinese architecture museum". It integrates the elements of southern Fujian red brick ancient house and western Western house, showing the combination of Chinese and Western architectural style. At the same time, there is also the famous Nyonya culture, which carries the deep homesickness of generations of overseas Chinese.

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Qingpu Wulin Cultural Pavilion is located in Wulin Ancient Village, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, covering an area of about 6000 square meters. The cultural pavilion consists of 13 houses in traditional Fujian style, transforming these historic buildings into a multi-functional cultural tourism resort integrating guest rooms, restaurants, tea rooms, exhibition Spaces and forums.

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The architectural style of the site consists of two main types: the old house of red brick in southern Fujian and the Nanyang House. These two different styles of buildings subtly echo each other to create a very rich architectural experience. We want to preserve this natural and original beauty, so we will take a more cautious approach when dealing with the overall space design, and try to avoid over-design. While fully respecting the regional architectural culture, we will also combine the design language in line with modern aesthetics, and strive to create a "new southern Fujian spatial form" that is both cultural and full of high-quality holiday sense.

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The interior layout of each old house of southern Fujian in the site has been re-planned to create a more comfortable and pleasant space layout. At the same time, we opened the facade facing the inner courtyard and filled it with wooden grilles to allow natural light to enter the rooms while ensuring a degree of privacy. As guests' first impression of the interior space of the pavilion, we retained the wooden structure of the building, removed the wooden partition wall dividing the rooms, and created a bright, transparent and comfortable space by introducing glass skylights and hidden air conditioning, so that guests can feel the charm and new possibilities of the ancient house space in southern Fujian. In addition, the use of rammed earth materials also cleverly echoes the historical charm of traditional buildings.

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The rooms are designed with natural textures such as wood, paint and straw MATS. In the ancient building, some components such as the southern Fujian red brick wall and the old wooden door with historical traces have been carefully preserved, and have formed a clever contrast beauty with modern novel materials in the same space. This design not only greatly enhances the guest room experience, but also enhances the tension of the space.

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To ensure a comfortable stay in the historic building, each room is equipped with air conditioning and hot water facilities. Through a carefully designed electromechanical system, related equipment and pipes are cleverly integrated into the ceiling and walls to keep the classical beauty of the room intact. In addition, the partition wall of the room has been professionally soundproofed, and we have carefully checked the gaps at the joints of the beams and columns together with the construction personnel to ensure the best sound insulation. The original wooden Windows in the ancient house have also been carefully copied with new solid wood materials, which not only improves the convenience of use, but also retains the unique opening way of the traditional Windows.

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Focus on carefully designing the spatial scale of the guest rooms in traditional architecture. The height of the space can be too high or too low to affect the comfort of the accommodation, so we are careful when dealing with the height of each area. We hope that guests can not only feel the grand architectural style of Fujian ancient house in the room, but also enjoy the warm feeling close to the heart. To enhance this experience, we proposed to the owners to equip each room with a vinyl record player. When the music flows between the beams and columns, it can make the traditional architectural space full of history appear more vivid and three-dimensional.

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