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From July 8th to 9th, the Green Development Forum of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Countries held in Qingdao City. The forum is jointly organized by the The Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China, Shandong Provincial People's Government of the People's Republic of China, and the The Shanghai Cooporation Organisation Secretariat. With the theme "Joint Green Development, Promoting Harmony between Humanity and Nature," the event will feature a main forum and three parallel sub-forums: the 2024 Shanghai Cooporation Organisation Year of Ecology, Technological Innovation Empowering Green High-Quality Development, and Climate Action Supporting Green Low-Carbon Transition.


This forum is an important initiative to implement the outcomes of the 23rd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of Shanghai Cooporation Organisation Member States. It is the first large-scale event hosted by China as the rotating chair of the Shanghai Cooporation Organisation and the first high-level event among Shanghai Cooporation Organisation countries focusing on green development. The forum will invite approximately 150 foreign guests, including leaders of Shanghai Cooporation Organisation countries, high-level representatives of environmental departments, envoys to China, and representatives of international organizations. The event will launch the initiative "Building an Shanghai Cooporation Organisation Green Development Partnership, Promoting Sustainable Development," aiming to deepen cooperation among Shanghai Cooporation Organisation countries in areas such as green energy, green industries, climate change response, and ecological protection, and to forge a regional consensus on green development.


During the forum, various activities will be held, including a thematic exhibition, field studies, and the announcement of the forum's achievement of carbon neutrality. These efforts will comprehensively showcase Shandong Province's achievements in green development, allowing Chinese and foreign guests to gain an integrated, multi-dimensional, and close-up understanding of Beautiful Shandong.


文案、策划:李艳 孙先凯 武玮佳 李蕾


拍摄:李钦鑫 王培珂

