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Tourists pose for photos at the Palace Museum in Beijing. [Photo/VCG]

As students of all ages in China have started their summer vacation, "parent-child" travel welcomes its peak season, with museums being one of tourists' top choices.近期,随着各年龄层的学生群体相继放假,亲子游迎来高峰,博物馆成为游客最热门的选择之一。

Tickets that have been released so far for many popular museums, including the Palace Museum in Beijing, and the Nanjing Museum in Nanjing, have all been fully booked, according to a report of thepaper.cn on Tuesday.据澎湃新闻7月9日报道,包括故宫博物院、南京博物院在内的多家热门博物馆开放预约日期的门票都已约满。

Data from online platforms Meituan and Dianping show that the search popularity of "museum" has increased by 61 percent month-on-month since June, with "Shaanxi History Museum", "Shanghai Museum" and "National Museum of China" as related hot search phrases.美团、大众点评数据显示,6月以来,“博物馆”搜索热度环比增长61%,其中“陕西历史博物馆”、“上海博物馆”、“中国国家博物馆”等均为关联热搜词组。

The top five cities searched are Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Wuhan, with the highest proportion of search users aged 30 to 35.排名前五的搜索城市分别是西安、北京、上海、成都和武汉,30岁-35岁的搜索用户占比最高。

According to online travel platform Ctrip, as of July 3, the number of museum orders during summer vacation increased by more than 90 percent on a yearly basis.携程数据显示,截至7月3日,暑期全国博物馆订单量同比增加超90%。

"Early bird tickets" for some exhibitions have also sold out early. For example, the 200,000 early bird tickets for The Civilization of Ancient Egyptexhibition at the Shanghai Museum, which went on sale on May 20, have been sold out by June 19, said the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism.


As of July 5, the top ten museums with a high search index on travel platform LY.com were the Palace Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, Shanghai Museum, Suzhou Museum, Luoyang Museum, Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum, Nanjing Museum, Guangdong Museum, Chengdu Museum and Henan Museum, the report said.截至7月5日,同程旅行平台搜索指数较高的博物馆前十名依次为:故宫博物院陕西历史博物馆、上海博物馆、苏州博物馆、洛阳博物馆、广汉三星堆博物馆、南京博物院、广东省博物馆、成都博物馆、河南博物院。

The popularity of museums has also triggered demand for nearby accommodations.博物馆的大热也带动了周边住宿需求的增长。

According to Ctrip, The Civilization of Ancient Egyptexhibition at the Shanghai Museum has driven summer orders of nearby hotels to a 20 percent increase year-on-year.


Data from homestay bookings and operating platform Tujia show that guest house bookings around museums nationwide jumped nearly two times compared with the same period last year.另据途家民宿数据显示,今年暑期各地博物馆周边民宿预订火热,比去年增长近2倍。

Beijing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Chongqing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Luoyang and Zhengzhou are the most popular cities for booking guest houses around museums in China, with Luoyang and Zhengzhou seeing the highest increase in bookings, both more than doubling over the same period last year.北京、成都、西安、重庆、上海、武汉、洛阳和郑州是全国博物馆周边民宿预订最热门的城市,其中洛阳和郑州预订量增幅最高,都超过去年同期1倍以上。

Summer bookings for guest house around Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum jumped by more than 15 times year-on-year, the report said, adding that bookings of guest houses near Nanjing Museum and Shaanxi History Museum increased by nearly 1.5 times and 50 percent year-on-year, respectively.此外广汉三星堆博物馆周边民宿暑期预订量同比增长超15倍,南京博物院同比增长近1.5倍,陕西历史博物馆增长近50%。



