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KUNMING, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- The Yangtze sturgeon, an endangered species under first-class national protection, has been spotted in the upper stream of the Yangtze River in southwest China's Yunnan Province, the local agricultural authority said Tuesday.

Images of the rare fish were captured recently by photography enthusiasts on the river.

"The video shows that the Yangtze sturgeon coexists in harmony with other fish, highlighting the positive impact of a comprehensive fishing ban in the area," said Luo Xingguo, head of the fishing station under the city of Shuifu's agriculture and rural affairs bureau.

The city has monitored 62 fish species since 2023, including some rare ones, demonstrating that the diversity of rare and endemic fish continues to increase in the region, Luo added.

The Yangtze sturgeon, also known as the Dabry's sturgeon, is one of the oldest vertebrates on Earth. Enditem


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