2024 年 8 月 16 日晚,由春熙路时尚活力区管委会、区商务局、区文体旅局、锦发展百年春熙公司,奥中商业协会、欧中文化教育与科学协会共同组织的 “ 百年春熙 百年风情 ” 音乐会在春熙路广场隆重举办,来自英国北方皇家音乐学院、北德广播易北爱乐乐团、四川音乐学院、锦城节日管弦乐团等中外知名艺术家为现场乐迷们带来众多经典乐曲表演,在热烈欢乐的音乐氛围中,共同庆祝春熙路开街百年。

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此次音乐会由被誉为二十世纪杰出 100 位小提琴教育家之一的奥地利籍小提琴家 Yair Kless (亚伊尔 . 克里斯)领衔,携手青年小提琴演奏家 Lok Yin Chu 、 Calvin Feng 为现场观众朋友演绎《欢乐颂》、维尼亚夫斯基《随想曲与练习曲第 6 首》、莫扎特《 D 大调第四小提琴协奏曲第 1 乐章》,现场响起持续不断的热烈掌声。随后,青年手风琴演奏家许诺带来一曲民族音乐《阳光照耀着塔什库尔干》,热情而欢腾。同时,艺术家金艺花、邹由 吴思雨、李易樫、杨桢涵等为大家演奏皮亚佐拉《布宜诺斯艾利斯的四季》、莫扎特《弦乐小夜曲》、伊凡诺维奇 《多瑙河之波圆舞曲》等 10 余首经典曲目,呈现了一场时尚品位、幸福欢快的视听盛宴,让现场市民游客流连忘返,纷纷称赞。

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“ 很高兴能够在国际网红商圈 — 春熙路商圈举办这次音乐会,效果非常棒,祝福春熙路百年生日快乐,我们也希望以后还有更多机会来这里为大家演出,加强交流交往,不断增进中奥友谊 ” ,奥中商业协会、欧中文化教育与科学协会代表兴奋说道。

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据活动主办方锦发展百年春熙公司相关负责人介绍,今年正值春熙路开街百年之际,春熙路商圈正紧紧围绕打造国际一流商圈的目标,立足国际要素汇聚优势,加快链接更多国际资源,加强国际交流交往,引企业、育品牌、办活动,持续丰富国内外消费者游逛体验。据了解,为庆祝春熙路开街百年,锦江区继 2024 年上半年推出系列文商旅活动后,下半年还将有更多重磅活动陆续呈现,敬请大家期待。

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Opening of Chunxi Road, International and Chinese artists join forces to hold the "Century Chunxi, Century Scenery" Concert

On the evening of August 16, 2024, the "Century Chunxi, Century Scenery" concert was held at Chunxi Square, organized by the Chunxi Road Fashion and the Vibrant District Management Committee, the District Business Bureau, the District Culture, Sports, and Tourism Bureau, Jin Development Chunxi Century Company, the Austrian-Chinese Business Association, and the European-Chinese Cultural Exchange, Education and Science Association. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the opening of Chunxi Road, artists from the UK Northern Royal Academy of Music, the North German Radio Brandenburg Philharmonic, the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, and the Jin City Festival Symphony Orchestra, among others, performed many classical pieces for the audience, creating a joyful and lively musical atmosphere.

The concert was led by Yair Kless, a renowned Austrian violinist, who is one of the top 100 violin educators of the 20th century, along with young violinists Lok Yin Chu and Calvin Feng. They performed "The Joyful Song" and Wieniawski's "Caprice and Etude No. 6," as well as Mozart's "First Movement of Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Major," to which the audience responded with continuous and enthusiastic applause. Then, young accordionist Xu Nuo performed a piece of folk music, "Sunshine on Tashkurgan," which was lively and joyful. Meanwhile, the artists Jin Yi Hua, Zou Yu, Wu Si Yu, Li Yi Ping, Yang Zhen Han, and others played Piazzolla's "The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires", Mozart's "Serenade for Strings", Ivanovic's "The Waves of the Danube Waltz" and 10 other classical pieces, presenting a fashionable, as well as joyful visual and auditory feast. The event left the Viennese and tourist audience spellbound, who praised it highly.

"We are very happy to hold this concert in the international net red commercial circle - Chunxi Road Commercial Circle. The result is fantastic. I wish Chunxi Road a happy 100th birthday. We also hope that from now on we will have more opportunities to perform here in the future and enhance exchanges and interactions to continuously deepen Sino-Austrian friendship," the representatives of the Austrian-Chinese Business Association and the European-Chinese Cultural Exchange, Education and Science Association excitedly said.

According to the responsible person in charge of Spring Development Century Chunxi Company, the organizer of the event, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the opening of Chunxi Road. Chunxi Road Commercial Circle is currently focusing on the goal of building an international top-level commercial circle, based on the advantage of international elements gathering and accelerating the linkage of more international resources, enhancing international exchanges and interactions, attracting enterprises, nurturing brands, and holding events, continuously enriching the travel and shopping experiences of domestic and foreign consumers. As to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Chunxi Road opening, Jinjiang District has planned to launch a series of cultural, commercial, and tourism activities in the first half of 2024, and there will be more remarkable events in the second half of the year, so please stay tuned.



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