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In Chinese stories, there is always a courtyard. Chinese architecture represents not only history, but also what the Chinese people hide in their bones, and the courtyard is the essence of Chinese architectural culture. Chinese courtyard, decorated with many stories. No court can not live, is every Chinese bone complex. Whether it is the wide and bright Siheyuan in Beijing or the white walls and black tiles in the misty rain in southern China, the courtyard and the house circle each other and depend on each other.

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The word "courtyard" first appeared in the "History of the South. Tao Hongjing Biography" : "Love pine wind, the courtyard is planted, every smell of its sound, happy for joy." The courtyard is surrounded by a wall, inside the wall is a peaceful life, outside the wall is a busy world, reflecting the long-standing Chinese philosophy of "moderate and introverted, do not make public". Therefore, celebrities have a soft spot for the courtyard, and the courtyard has become their spiritual home. Bai Juyi once felt that the trees in the courtyard changed their leaves, and he remembered that "occasionally I have a quiet environment, and then I forget the mundane heart." Banished for most of his life, Su Dongpo, no matter where he went, always loved to choose a place to build a garden.

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East and West Gate village at the foot of Mount Taishan nine female Peak mountain range, near the mountains and rivers, has a beautiful natural scenery, has a profound historical and cultural heritage. When designing village renewal, the use of minimal intervention techniques and materials in order to maintain its original natural beauty and cultural charm is an excellent strategy to show respect for the history and natural environment. Try to maintain the original topography and water system of Dongmen Village, do not carry out large-scale land leveling or change the direction of water flow, restore and protect the original stream ecosystem, use the natural water body to create natural landscape, and ensure the clean water quality. In the layout of the village, the location of roads and buildings can be arranged according to the natural direction of the terrain, avoiding large-scale cutting of mountains or filling depressions.

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In the southwest corner of the mountain, there are four miscellaneous houses made of rubble. These sundries are not only a pile of physical space, but also a witness to the ongoing dialogue between villagers and the natural environment. The original site texture is carefully preserved, and glass enclosures are used on the top and walls to form daylight atria, maximizing the preservation of the original site texture while emphasizing the volume of the building. The traditional definition of the exterior facade no longer exists here, and the atrium space has an outdoor sense of place. At the same time, the industrial feel of the glass highlights the rustic raw mining of the rubble stone and the traditional craftsmanship of the stonemasons that underlie it.

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People are leaving the hustle and bustle of the city, eager to find the purity of nature in the uncarved scenery. The natural grandeur of the Taishan Mountains and the village's pristine courtyards were central inspirations when designing our living experience. While retaining the original rubble facade, we used a steel structural system to create the possibility of spacious opening Windows, thereby blurring the boundaries between interior and exterior, allowing nature to seamlessly merge with the space.

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After careful combing, the courtyard space enclosed by the original building texture is transformed into an inward space core. Each room is partially open to the courtyard, and in particular the sliding doors of the communal living room can be fully opened. At this point, the interior and exterior are integrated and the boundary disappears. In order to preserve the harmonious symbiosis between the old elm tree in the courtyard and the building, the design of the guest room is cleverly centered around the tree. The bedroom and living bathroom are surrounded by old elm trees in a C-shaped layout, forming a natural wrapping sense. In the evening, drink tea in the living room, you can enjoy the shadow of the trees under the setting sun, enjoy the quiet time.

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Adhere to the grey as the main color of the space design, in order to create a specific atmosphere. When the building has been built with the overall tone of the heavy rubble and perfectly integrated into the mountain, we want the interior space, the building and the mountain to remain unified, so that the mountain view, the courtyard view and the interior space are integrated. At the same time, the dark interior orientation also ensures that our products are differentiated from other similar resort room products in the market.

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The large gray tone is presented with the texture of concrete, rich in detail and pure in tone. This pure hue blends with the simplicity of geometric form, abandoning worldly complexity and guiding people to slow down and calm down. In this gray tone, the natural comfort of walnut is interspersed, bringing just the right temperature to the room. At the same time, the exquisite wood finish also ensures the quality of the space.

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