
What is the Experience of Being a“Dragon Maker”?

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Muchuan Grass Dragon has a long history and is a unique folk art in Muchuan County, Sichuan Province. It involves publicly dancing and playing with“yellow dragons”made of rice straws to

pray for favorable weather and a bountiful harvest in the coming year.


In Muchuan County, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, there is a person who has been devoted himself to the creation of vibrant“yellow dragons”for over 30 years. He is Chen Huanbin, an inheritor of the Muchuan Grass Dragon, which is a representative project of the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage items.


Chen Huanbin’s father and grandfather both know how to make grass dragons and perform dragon dance. Every Chinese New Year, a grass dragon is used to perform dragon dances in the township for several consecutive days, creating a lively and bustling atmosphere.


Chen Huanbin explained that making a grass dragon is a meticulous process. During the process of making a grass dragon with its head, body and

tail as three separate parts, rice straws are used as the main material, supported by bamboo strips. The main process involves material selection, fumigation, framework installation, straw weaving, connection, and dragon tendon installation. It adopts more than 10 weaving techniques such as knitting, weaving, insetting, winding and wrapping. Due to the multitude of parts in the dragon's head, each part must be crafted with precision, requiring great patience.

中文文图:《看四川》杂志记者 戴余乐 英文作者:四川国际传播中心记者 刘动