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Wang Yong: Immersed in the Sea of Ink, Detached from Public Judgment

Wang Yong, also known as Tuzhai and Dinglouzhuren, is a towering figure in today’s calligraphy world. His art, like a powerful wind, revitalized the stagnant atmosphere of the calligraphy field, infusing it with new energy. He blends ancient methods with modern styles, integrating clerical script and brick inscriptions, thereby creating his own unique domain of calligraphy, which has gained widespread popularity. This style, while rooted in ancient charm, carries modern sensibilities, stirring waves across the art world.

From a young age, Wang developed an affinity for painting and calligraphy, practicing the regular script of the Jin and Tang dynasties, with a spontaneous yet graceful brushstroke. Without formal guidance, his works were remarkably lifelike. Admiring Qi Baishi in his youth, he was taken by his father to view the works of Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, and Huang Binhong. This ignited his passion for seal carving, a craft he pursued tirelessly, often working late into the night. At the age of fourteen (1902 in the lunar calendar), he joined the calligraphy and seal carving group at the Beijing Children's Palace, where his works were selected for the "Capital Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition," marking his initial rise to prominence. Shortly after, during the Cultural Revolution, he was sent to Inner Mongolia for six years. Despite the harsh conditions, this period of isolation sharpened his awareness and awakened his creative consciousness. After returning to Beijing, he became an art teacher and redoubled his efforts to refine his artistic style, seeking to forge a distinctive path.

Wang had little involvement with seal carving in his early years but returned to it in middle age. His accumulated frustrations were transformed into artistic pursuit, with a determination to transcend conventional boundaries. Initially unconventional and bold in his innovation, he eventually realized that the essence of seal carving lies in its "ancient" quality. This ancientness refers not to antiquity but to a lofty, refined style, marked by simplicity and ruggedness, untethered by contemporary trends. In the year jiwei (1979 in the lunar calendar), Wang was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, where masters Li Keran and Li Kuchan were holding court. Though not formally trained, his deep cultural foundation earned him their favor. Wang was deeply impressed by Li Keran's artistic philosophy and moral character, as well as Ye Qianyu's high-minded sincerity. When asked why he studied under Li, who was not a seal carver, Wang often cited Han Yu's teachings, emphasizing that understanding the principles of art takes precedence over technique. Li's teachings rarely dwelled on technical skills, focusing instead on the core principles of art, imparting wisdom that reached far beyond the classroom. After graduation, Wang frequently carved seals for Li Keran, benefiting greatly from his guidance, and his seal carving skills improved significantly. His other mentor, Liang Shunian, though reserved and unassuming, possessed profound expertise in seal carving, offering few but deeply insightful lessons that Wang always cherished.

Seal carving, Wang believed, should not be confined to calligraphy alone but must draw from multiple art forms, with calligraphy and artistic principles merging to achieve greatness. In his early years, he was focused on mere form, but later realized that surface imitation does not capture the essence. Seal carving must come from the heart. Observing ancient brick inscriptions and mud seals, he grasped the transformative power of these characters, inspiring new thoughts in his own work. In carving, he emphasized the balance of reason and emotion—carefully contemplating before the knife touched the stone but allowing spontaneity once the carving began, avoiding the rigid repetition of calligraphy. Through this fusion of thought and emotion, he developed his unique style. His seals, like "Can Become an Infant" and "Expel True Qi," once shocked the world. Yet, his commitment to the essence of art remained steadfast, striving for progress without arrogance and innovation without rigidity.

Upon entering the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Wang gradually solidified his artistic direction, recognizing that true art must be nurtured in solitude. Years of honing his craft eventually led to his distinguished standing in the art world. Wang's calligraphy is ancient and powerful, drawing from the essence of the Six Dynasties steles, imbued with the spirit of Han and Wei dynasty manuscripts, yet occasionally displaying modern touches. His brushwork is vigorous and flexible, blending softness with strength, and each piece brims with energy, revealing his deep mastery. His seal carving is similarly bold and free, exuding ancient ruggedness while blending the spirit of Han and Jin brick inscriptions and Qin and Han dynasty seals, creating a style entirely his own, grand in scale and harmonious with his calligraphy. Wang's deep foundation in calligraphy also laid the groundwork for his landscape painting. His brushstrokes carry the same fluidity and solidity as his writing, and his paintings resonate with a sense of antiquity and simplicity. The lines are concise, and the compositions reveal both personal emotion and the strength of stone and metal.

Wang is proficient in poetry, calligraphy, painting, and seal carving, excelling in all four. However, his calligraphic style carries both positive and negative connotations, with many claiming he initiated the trend of "ugly calligraphy," and that its negative impact far outweighs the positive. His works defy easy categorization, as they combine seal, clerical, regular, running, and cursive scripts into a hybrid style. Throughout history, calligraphers have sought rustic simplicity and unrefined honesty in their work, and Wang's stone inscriptions often reflect the bone-deep strength of the Han and Wei dynasties, a quality scholars admire. Fu Lei once remarked on the Han and Wei calligraphic style, noting that the people of those times had a shared spirit—rich, powerful, and boundless, enduring through the ages. Wang’s work embodies this straightforward, primitive quality, a testament to his profound understanding of calligraphy and his fluid, uninhibited brushwork, which has become his signature.

Despite being labeled the progenitor of "ugly calligraphy," a label difficult to define, Wang has poured his heart and soul into popularizing calligraphy, advocating tirelessly for its appreciation. While this has had some positive effects, many criticize his efforts as pandering to public tastes, seeking attention through sensationalism. As a result, public dissatisfaction with his style has grown, and his reputation has suffered considerably.
