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Hi, thank you for this very interesting question.


Yes. I am just a very ordinary Chinese person from a very ordinary Chinese family.


In my early childhood, my family had some difficulties in providing food.


For a period of time, we even had to use cardboard boxes as dining tables.


In those difficult days, my father taught me how to eat rats and tree bark to obtain nutrition.


Basically, I can always eat more than a hundred rats on weekends.




In my family, we call this "rat dumplings".


You have to steam these poor little rats before eating them.


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Once they are all steamed well, I dip these rats in homemade dipping sauce.


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Want to see what's inside these rats?


WARNING: The image below is not for the faint-hearted! If that's the case, avert your eyes now!


As for tree bark, we have something called "cinnamon" (ròuguì). It is the bark of an evergreen tree native to China.


I put "cinnamon" into the translation tool and it came back with "cinnamon".


Do you Westerners eat "cinnamon"?


It looks like this:


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I guess Westerners are probably too wealthy to eat cinnamon.


I heard that in the West, people consume large amounts of a spice called saffron.


Alas, poor people like me can only make do with cinnamon.


I use this wondrous tree bark to add flavor to braised meat dishes.


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But this tree bark can also be used to add flavor to bread.


See, I'm too poor to afford buying bread in a bakery.


So, I just buy the ingredients and make it at home with my own oven.


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Conclusion (a.k.a. TLDR):


You are right.


I do eat rats and tree bark.


But, may I ask - what is so bad about that?


As I said, I ate more than a hundred rats on the weekends. All the rats are steamed like in the picture above and then dipped in a little dipping sauce.


Very tasty.


And fresh.


Well, that's it.


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Yes, China is a mystery.


Just this week, I was on a business trip in Ningbo in eastern China. The people I met told me that this is a second-tier city and it is very quiet compared to big cities like Shanghai and Shenzhen.


That was a terrible place.


At night, it is lit up in strange colors. Even the cathedral is lit up. This is light pollution...


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And the food... The restaurant I went to displayed all the food in the open air because the food supply is very scarce.

还有食物…… 我去的那家餐厅把所有食物都露天摆放着,因为食物供应非常稀缺。

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I had to eat crabs raw. The other dishes are small and uninteresting.


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All photos are taken by me.


The worst thing is the price. This meal for three people cost a total of 270 yuan (38 US dollars). In Hong Kong, where food is plentiful and people don't live on tree bark and rats, the price would easily be two or three times as expensive as here.

最糟糕的是价格。三个人的这顿饭总共 270 元人民币(38 美元)。在香港,食物很充足,人们也不会靠树皮和老鼠为生,价格很贵就是这里的两倍或三倍。

I don't know how anyone can survive in China...


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Although this is a stupid question, I will still try my best to answer it.


Sinkeu428, I am not sure if the rise of China keeps you awake at night. But to make you feel better, I suggest you continue to assume the way of life of Chinese people according to your imagination and continue to assume that they eat rats and tree bark. Indeed, China is a paper tiger. Tell your government to ignore them. Most importantly, stop hysterically screaming "China threat" every day.


The pictures like those from other answerers are all Chinese propaganda. Do you think Chinese people can afford such meals? I hope you can have a good sleep after this.


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It would be interesting to know when and where you heard that “most Chinese people have no food to eat and can only survive by eating rats and chewing tree bark.”


I know quite a few Chinese people in the USA who dispute the notion that people are reduced to eating rats and tree bark. In previous times, peasants were driven by poverty to survive by eating bugs and vermin, but those times have changed. It is no longer true that a vast majority of Chinese are in extreme poverty.


In early Chinese history, China had wrongly led to famine, but they have recognized the mistakes of the past and this situation no longer occurs.


Because this kind of extreme view sounds more like anti-Chinese remarks, I tend to think it is a false and propagandistic attack on China. By citing your sources, it will make your statement more credible, but until you provide the basis for your question, I will consider it false.


It should be pointed out that this statement is completely wrong. China has long been out of poverty and the living standards of the people are constantly improving. The Chinese government has always been committed to promoting the common development and prosperity of all ethnic groups. The overall situation of society in Xinjiang is stable, the economic development momentum is good, and all ethnic groups live in harmony.


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If you didn't do it on purpose, then I think you are mixing up China with somewhere else. Yes, there have been periods of famine and extreme poverty in China, but that is in the past.


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This is my eighth year living in China. It has been fascinating to see how China has been consistently working to eradicate absolute poverty. Of course, this doesn't mean there is no poverty in China anymore. But even in remote rural areas, there are various programs to support and nourish families in terms of both material and education.


Interestingly, China's literacy rate is almost 100%. Compare this with many Western countries. It is easy to find out about this incredible country, its history, its cultures (its diversity is far more than many people imagine) and its extraordinary people. Comments like eating rats and bark are ignorant at best and shockingly pejorative and racist at worst.


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Thanks for asking such an interesting question. I am from China. I can tell you that the actual situation in China is even worse than you imagine. Let alone eating rats here. Even rats would turn up their noses when they come to our country. We can't afford to eat tree bark at all. We can only eat stones and mud, drink water a hundred times dirtier than the Ganges River, live in caves and use stone tools. The reason why I can speak here is that we generate electricity with feces and electronic devices are picked from trees. You all know that China is the second largest economy. How can you ask such a question? Is it because you are like this?


A fool who eats third-rate junk food and Prozac said this. You may never have even left your community, let alone gone to China/Asia. Otherwise, you would know very well that even the street food there is ten times better than anything provided by your so-called fast food restaurants.


Speaking of this, isn't the United States one of the countries with the highest obesity rate in the world? And only its madness can match it.


Crawl back under the rock you came from and stay there, you hateful racist bigot.


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Yes, I also want to know.


My family is from Guangzhou in southern China. There are many tall buildings there. It's like a concrete jungle. The lights at night are annoying because they are very bright from sunset to sunrise.


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There are cars, subways and high-speed railways everywhere. It takes 8 hours to take the high-speed rail from Guangzhou to Beijing... So tragic.

到处都是汽车、地铁和高铁。坐高铁从广州到北京要 8 个小时…… 很悲催。

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Moreover, we eat dim sum every morning. There are so many choices. I have difficulty in choosing and don't know what to choose. I mean, at least in Korea there is that spicy pickled cabbage every day, so there is no need to be so headache-inducing.


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Also, there are too many cars in Guangzhou and the traffic is very bad. It's as if everyone has a car and they are all on the road at the same time.


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There are many people in the night market and there are all kinds of foods. There are so many choices. Another headache.


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Moreover, everyone has a mobile phone. From a 4-year-old child to a 99-year-old elderly person, we all have mobile phones because we use mobile phones to pay. It's very sad that there is technology everywhere we go. I can understand why in the United States they want to go back to the horse-drawn carriage era. Too advanced technology can give people a headache.

而且,每个人都有手机。从 4 岁的小孩到 99 岁的老人,我们都有手机,因为我们用手机支付。很悲哀,无论走到哪里都有科技。我能理解为什么在美国他们想回到马车时代,科技太发达会让人头疼。

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There are so many rice dishes.


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Roast goose./烧鹅

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Crispy pork./脆皮猪肉

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猪肉和牛肉/pork and beef

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There are so many choices. It's really a headache. I mean, in Korea, you only have spicy pickled cabbage soup, stir-fried spicy pickled cabbage, and spicy pickled cabbage and tofu soup. So simple and cheap. Unlike Guangzhou, there are so many kinds of food.


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Also, just like this poor guy above, he has so much money that he has to pay for a gym membership so that he can exercise after eating all those foods. So tragic.


This is why I don't understand why people in Guangzhou can't be like Koreans and eat some simple things, such as stewing spicy pickled cabbage with rats and tree bark. (Note: I am replying to you with 100% sarcasm.)

这就是为什么我不明白为什么广州人不能像韩国人一样,吃一些简单的东西,比如用辣白菜和老鼠、树皮一起炖。(注意:我是带着 100% 的讽刺在回复你。)

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Friends! I took a trip to China before and have been constantly thinking about Chinese cuisine since I came back.


When I was in China, those foods really satisfied my taste buds. First of all, hot pot has a spicy, fragrant and delicious soup base. Putting various ingredients in and blanching them, the taste is simply amazing. Beef slices are tender and juicy, tripe is crisp, and duck blood is smooth. Taking a bite makes the whole body warm.


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There is also Beijing roast duck. The skin is roasted golden and crispy, and the meat is tender and fragrant. The chef cuts the roast duck into thin slices, adds shredded scallions, cucumbers and sweet bean sauce, rolls it up with a thin pancake and puts it in the mouth. The taste is extremely wonderful.


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Chinese cuisine is really extremely rich. Each kind has its unique taste and charm. I often think of the days when I tasted delicious food in China. I really hope I can go to China again soon and continue to enjoy those delicious delicacies.
