《IMO 发布救生艇维护和检查要求修正案》

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2024年9月26日,国际海事组织(IMO)发布了MSC.559 (108)号决议,对救生艇、救助艇、发射装置和释放装置的维护、彻底检查、操作测试、大修和修理要求进行了修订。


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该决议回顾了此前的相关决定,特别是MSC.402 (96)号决议,该决议制定了救生设备维护和检查的初始要求。本次修正案与MSC.535 (107)号决议中关于通风的更新内容相一致。


– Structural Examination: Inspecting the boat structure, including both fixed and loose equipment, and conducting visual checks of void spaces where possible.


– Engine and Propulsion System: Assessing the condition and functionality of the engine and propulsion systems to ensure safe operation.


– Safety Systems: Checking installed systems such as sprinklers, air supply, and maneuvering systems to confirm they are operational.


– Power Supply: Evaluating the power supply systems to ensure reliability in emergency situations.


– Bailing and Fender Systems: Inspecting the bailing systems and fender/skate arrangements for effective water management and stability.


– Righting System: For rescue boats, ensuring that the righting systems are functioning correctly, which is vital for crew safety.


– Ventilation System: Assessing ventilation systems to ensure they are in good working order, particularly for enclosed lifeboats.



总之,IMO 此次发布的修正案旨在提高救生艇等设备的安全性和可靠性,以更好地保障海上人员的生命安全。

