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小女儿对艺术有着天生的敏感,她看上了塞尔维亚画家Endre Penovac (安德里·佩诺瓦茨)的中国画,被Endre Penovac的作品深深吸引。

Endre Penovac喜欢画小动物,以其独特的中国画闻名,他笔下的小动物,那些水墨洇出来的猫咪和肥鸡,既有着西方的真实感,又不失东方的写意之美。它们仿佛跃然纸上,惟妙惟肖,让人忍不住想要伸手触摸一番。

我们决定购买一幅Endre Penovac 的黑黄交融的猫画。一家人希望通过巴黎雷欧先生的渠道实现这一愿望。遗憾的是,时机稍纵即逝,那幅心仪的画作已被他人捷手先得。







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Lingnan collectors thank Paris Leo

My name is Li Guoqing (pseudonym) and I live in a city in Guangdong. Everyday is like the Lingnan School of Painting in my hometown, delicate and full of color.

Six years ago, we purchased a residence in the new urban area. A warm and personalized home is also a dream harbor.

After the decoration was completed, the family moved into the new house with joy. However, the most dynamic stroke in the house was drawn by my youngest daughter's vision.

The youngest daughter has a natural sensitivity to art. She fell in love with the Chinese paintings of Serbian painter Endre Penovac and was deeply attracted by his works.

Endre Penovac likes to paint small animals and is famous for his unique Chinese painting. The small animals in his paintings, the cats and fat chickens created through ink and wash, have both Western realism and Eastern freehand beauty. They seem to jump off the paper, lifelike and lifelike, making people want to reach out and touch them.

We have decided to purchase a black and yellow cat painting by Endre Penovac. The family hopes to achieve this wish through Mr. Parisian Leo's channel. Unfortunately, the timing was fleeting, and the beloved painting had already been acquired by someone else.

But this has not extinguished our passion for pursuing art. Please recommend other painters' paintings to Mr. Balireo and hang them in our new home after purchase. Mr. Parisian Leo, with his unique vision, recommended two small works by Dutch painters to us.

These two works by Dutch painters are amazing, with small animals in them that we have never seen before. The wonderful raised style on the paintings amazed every guest who came to my house and praised them repeatedly.

As time passed, my relatives and friends, through the recommendation of Mr. Parisian Leo, collected many small European paintings. Rotating and hanging them at home, or occasionally selling them, has also brought unexpected economic benefits.

Art is no longer an unattainable and elegant thing, but has integrated into the bits and pieces of our daily lives. These European paintings not only adorned my home, but also became a spiritual refuge. We enjoyed visual delicacies and added many beautiful narratives about art and life.

Is the passion for life and the pursuit of beauty like a beautiful and extraordinary painting?

The stories about family, art, and children's growth record our inexplicable bond with art, as well as the opportunities and adventures in the passage of time.

巴黎雷欧艺术馆和“雷欧之友”画廊,诚挚地为全球书画艺术家服务( 私洽代理国际顶流艺术家的油画原作 )。



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巴黎雷欧:GLC(Galerie Leo et Co)创始人,著有《法国现代书画艺术评论》(英文版3 卷)《远东文化艺术》(法文&华文)《情绪管理十二讲》(英文版&华文版)《国际谈判哲学》(法文版)《国际谈判实务》(华文版,多家考研机构参考书)《跨国公司内部谈判效益论析》(法文版)和《雷欧带你认识法国》(英文版)《雷欧带你认识巴黎》(英文版)等书籍(学习微号:LeorenFR)。

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