新华网10月31日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,芯片制造商因特尔已经把一项基于网络的流媒体服务移交给了Verizon。看来,未来的电视不会是因特尔的产品了。


最开始报道此事的AllThingsD说,因特尔和Verizon已经进入产权移交的最后阶段,最终这个协议将对各方都有好处。用因特尔的流媒体电视服务总是感觉怪怪的,而Verizon又已经有了Redbox Streaming服务,所以这应该会让Verizon的服务更加强大。同时,所有关于电视机未来发展的问题虽然火药味十足,但没有发生任何冲突。



Report: Intel Is Handing Over Its Streaming TV Project to Verizon

Future of TV? Not from Intel. AllThingsD is reporting that the chipmaker is handing its web-based streaming service project over to Verizon.

Intel had confirmed back in February that it had a massive streaming TV project in the works, and apparently it was willing to pay buttloads of money for the content deals to make it happen. It was even rumored that Intel's negotiations had been successful. But, rumors are rumors and considering securing deals with cable companies has been the major hurdle for pretty much every company with streaming TV ambitions has, it's likely that the inability to actually lock them down is what derailed Intel.

Now AllThingsD says Intel and Verizon are reportedly in late-stage negotiations to transfer ownership of the project. Ultimately, this deal would make a lot of sense for everyone involved. Intel was always an odd company to be working on a streaming TV service, and Verizon already has its Redbox Streaming offering, so perhaps this is an effort to beef that up into something more substantial. Meanwhile, all this talk about TV's future is a whole lot of smoke and absolutely no fire.
