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圣诞节马上就要来了!圣诞节是西方最重要的节日,相信您一定见过圣诞装饰用的绿色花环,在西方我们称之为:降临节花环(圣诞花环)。现如今,女士们(还有越来越多男士们)更倾向于自己动手制作花环,然后和孩子们一起装饰屋子。本期文章中,法国花艺大师Anne-France Larquemain将会为我们讲解怎么制作圣诞花环,教您在家轻松创作出美丽的花环。跟我们一起动手制作吧!

Christmas, the most important celebration in western countries, will soon be upon us. I’m sure you have already noticed a round, verdant decoration in people’s homes. We call this the “Advent wreath.” Ladies (and gentlemen, more and more nowadays) would traditionally take special care to create their own wreaths and decorate their houses with the help of their children. Anne-France Larquemin, a French professional florist, will here explain how to create your own. The wreath is beautiful, and you can easily make one at home. Let’s begin together!

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The Advent Wreath: What does it mean?

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圣诞花环是水平放置的绿色花环,其上通常有四支蜡烛,有时花环正中还会有第五支蜡烛。圣诞花环象征着耶稣将要降临(圣诞节),光明逐渐来临。因此在圣诞节来临前四周的每个周末, 会逐个点燃花环上的蜡烛,代表着光明的逐渐复苏。今天刚好是要点亮第二支蜡烛的日子。这项传统最早来自于凯尔特民族,1830年后从德国的汉堡汉萨市逐渐兴盛开来。

It is usually a horizontal evergreen wreath with four candles and, often, a fifth white candle in the centre. The wreath represents the path of the resurgence of light before the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. Therefore, families would light one of the candles on the wreath each of the 4 Sundays before Christmas, making the light becoming more and more intense. Today we should then light the 2nd candle. This custom has its origins from the Celts, and more recently from the 1830’s in Hamburg, Germany.

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It can either be placed as a table decoration or on a door to welcome guests and show hospitality. In this case, we would not use candles.

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How to create your own?

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  • 4支蜡烛(可凭喜好选择颜色,西方通常选用白色,在中国则偏向于红色)

  • 4 candles (choose the colour you want, often white in Europe, red in China)

  • 常青树枝(或其他绿色的树枝)

  • Evergreen branches (or another kind of tree)

  • 细铁丝

  • Flexible iron wire

  • 透明塑料线

  • Thin plastic wire

  • 丝带,花朵,其他饰品

  • Ribbons, flowers, or any decoration you like

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Step One: Prepare the branches

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Take evergreen branches, fold them in circles, and attach the extremities with the iron wire. You can take several branches in order to have a thicker wreath, and to cover the attached part. Try not to attach all the branches at the same place, or your wreath won’t be very round.

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Then use the transparent plastic wire to wrap around the wreath and make it relatively even.

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Step Two: Candles

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If you wish, you can add now other types of branches, like these one.

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Then it’s time to fix the candles. On the bottom put some glue, and insert a stick inside.

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That way you can easily place the candles on the wreath, with some glue under them.

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Step Three: Fix the decorations

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Now comes the time to attach the decorations. You should wisely choose the colours (not too cold, not too warm) and the positions on the wreath. For instance, do not place the decoration only inside or only outside of the wreath, it would look disproportionate. Use glue to fix them, or the wires.

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Step Four: Fix the flowers

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You will fix the flowers by inserting them inside the wreath branches, while previously having inserted the flowers in some small tubes with water.

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Step Five: Display

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Once you have attached all the decoration you want on your wreath, you are ready to display it. Either on a table, or on the door, but don’t forget to remove the candles then!

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I hope you enjoyed this article. We will soon open floral arrangements workshops with Anne-France, if you are interested to participate you can already send us a message and we will contact you as soon as we open the class!

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