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突击步枪 Assault Rifle(AR) M16A4说M sixteen就行,下同

M4 AK SCAR Groza S12(连喷,它是打12口径霰弹的步枪)

冲锋枪 Sub Machine Gun(SMG):UZI(污兹) UMP Vector Tommy

霰弹枪Shotgun (SG):S1897 S686=double-barraled

手枪 Pistol 没有交流价值,不列举了= =

狙击步枪 Snipe Rifle(SR):SKS Kar98 M24 AWM VSS MK14 Mini-14

机枪 目前只有一把M249,因此直接说Machine Gun就行

投掷武器 手♂雷Frag/Grenade 震撼弹Stun Grenade 烟雾弹Smoke Grenade 燃烧瓶Molotov

其他冷门兵器 十字弩Crossbow 平底锅Pan


我这有把(多余的)SCAR(你们要不要捡) I got a (spare) SCAR here, u guys need a rifle?

我有98K了你有8倍镜吗?如我的ID叫Bob。 I got a Kar98, anyone got a 8 times? This is Bob.

谢谢你我的朋友 ;) Thank u my friend!


弹药通称ammo,5.56mm子弹可以说five five six ammo,30发子弹是thirty rounds,7.62mm相同。9mm=nine millimeter;.45英寸=dot forty five / ACP;12口径=twelve gauge;.300马格南= magnum。

向队友要子弹请指定人名。给点子弹好吗~:I need some (AK/AR/SMG) ammo. Alisa, can you give me some ammo?



机瞄:iron sight

单倍镜(sight):全息/红点 Holo/red dot sight

多倍镜(scope):2/4/8/15倍 two/four/eight/fifteen times scope

弹夹(magzine):快速/扩容/双弹夹 quick draw/extended/Dual mag;

枪口(muzzle):消焰/消音/补偿 flash hider/suppressor/compensator + for AR/snipe/SMG/Pistol。


通称supply。然后First Aid Kit/Med Case/Bandage/pills/drinks

【装备】背包 backpack 防弹衣 vest 头盔 helmet 等级level 1 2 3 吉利服 Ghillie suit


【车辆】通称vehicle。 motobike / 3 wheel / buggy / car / jeep / UAZ / boat

【快递】express / Fedex / UPS 【快递员】courier 【收费站】 toll station


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伐木场 logging camp 航站楼 terminal 瞭望塔 watchtower 宿舍 dormitory 加油站 gas station 灯塔 light house 集装箱区 container yard 超市 supermarket


建筑物:一二三楼first second third floor 屋顶 roof top 车库 garage 仓库 warehouse 围墙 wall 铁丝网 net 桶 barrel 电缆塔 pylon 木屋 cabin 谷仓 barn 厕所 shed

野外:幻影坦克 (he's in the) bush 大山/小山mountain/hill 半山腰 mountainside 大坡 slope 小斜坡 ramp 坑 crater 悬崖 cliff

轰炸区:red zone





Hello u guys got a mic? / Hey what's up man how r u doing? / what's ur problem man f♂ck u


All right man where r we going =v=? / Man we r going here.(地图上直接打点就好)

我旁边两队人 I got two squads around me.

沿着公路飞,然后找个车 Let's fly along the road and find a vehicle.

学校我承包了 I'm gonna loot the school


地图上红绿黄蓝点 red/green/yellow/blue marker on the map/mini map

我们是要刚枪还是猥琐发育? Are we going risky or safety?

咱桥头埋伏一波 Let's ambush the bridge.

我们守这儿打劫收过路费怎么样? How about we just camp here, and wait for the passers?

毒来了咱们进圈吧 Electric's coming, let's get in the circle.


我看着N方向吧 I take care of north side.

注意身后 Watch your back.

盯着点那些树/石头 Keep an eye on those trees/rocks.

那些房子被人搜过了 Those houses are looted.

趴着 proning 蹲着 crouching



距离:too far away (8x~15x) / far away (4x) / dead ahead (2x) / close range (1x) / on my face (melee)

我听见车声了。 I hear a car.

他想碾死我! He's gonna run over me!

我旁边这栋楼里有脚步声,我ID叫Bob I got movement in this building, this is Bob.

我看到平原上两个人在跑,NW方向往N方向 I see two men on the plain, running, northwest to north.

我看到红房子二楼有个人,175方向和S之间,大概200米远 I see one in the red house, derection one seventy five, south, second floor, about two hundred meters away.


(看见人以后……)我没有暴露,随时可以开火 I'm not compromised, ready to engage.

我能秒了他 I can nuke.

别开枪 Hold ur fire, we r not shooting.

有人打他们呢 Someone's shooting them.

注意友军在你身后 Hey Alisa, Friendly behind u, take care.

他好像是个独狼 He's alone, I think.

我拉个角度 Move up/around for a better view.

我从左边包抄过去了啊 I'm gonna flank him on the left.

我需要火力掩护 Need some covering fire.

注意房间角落 Watch those corners.

跟近点老哥们 Stay close budies.

我扔雷了啊 Frag out./ Stun out. / Popping smoke.

淘汰了/打死他了 Knocked out. / He's down.

把车打炸! Light'em up!

现在自由开火,看见人了直接打 Weapon's free now. If you see anyone, just shoot.

干得漂亮老哥 Nice shot dude.

我舔包去了啊。掩护我 I'm gonna loot him, cover me :)

这真是一个肥盒啊 Opp what a f♂cking mystery box.


我被狙击手干了 I'm hit. Sniper.

撤退 get back 找掩体 take cover

他们冲过来了! They r closing in!

有个人要冲我楼快来支援 There's one rushing upstairs, need assistant!

你稳住我马上过去 Hold on there, I'm moving up.

扶他起来 Get him up.

我快死了,别救我了T_T I'm dying, don't save me.


最后祝大家,winner winner chicken dinner!

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