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The early modern architecture is diverse, some of which are still maintaining their vitality until now. This exhibition focus on architects' own houses, most of which are works during the modern movement. In this case, the architect is both the designer and the client, and the house is where they work and live. Daily life within the house is a manifesto of both the architecture and a distinct way of living. The house is both a warm harbor meanwhile a business card for the architect. Undoubtedly, the houses present the architects' respective visions, which grow with times and allow us to examine the richness of modern architecture.


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Vann Molyvann' Own House


Prof. ZHU Xiaoming WU Yangjie


SU Hang Kelsi, XU Yuelan

Curatorial Team

LI Hui, WU Shuyu, WANG Yuwei, XU Jiayi, ZHANG Shuxuan

Academic Support

College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, China

Shanghai Institute of Design, China Academy of Fine Arts, China

Library of Tongji University, China


Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong

China Architecture & Building Press

Alvar Aalto Foundation

Polly Seidler

Vann Molyvann(1928-2017)


Date: May 25 - July 14, 2019

Venue:Ground Floor Gallery, Shanghai Study Center, The University of Hong Kong

Address: No.298 North Suzhou Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai

Website: http://ash.arch.hku.hk/

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