A new comet is now visible with thenaked eye

A newly-discovered comet dubbed NEOWISEwill be visible this week to the naked eye. It's the first visible comet of2020.

The comet, officially known as C/2020 F3,was spotted by NASA's NEOWISE satellite in March, as it made its initialapproach to the sun. It survived its loop around the sun and will be reachingthe point in its orbit where it is closest to Earth in the next week. NEOWISEis expected to remain visible to the naked eye through July.

Those in the northern hemisphere can catchthis comet in the north sky for most of the month at early dawn and dusk.Comets often appear faint in the sky, so it is easiest to catch a glimpse inthe early morning and evening, when there is just enough sunlight to see themagainst the night sky, but not so much they are washed out.

"For the northern hemisphere, it'svery low to the horizon in the early morning," says Karl Battams, anastrophysicist with the Naval Research Laboratory. "People need to get upearly, but it's easily visible with binoculars."

The comet got a special shout-out over theweekend from Bob Behnken, a NASA astronaut currently aboard the InternationalSpace Station after participating in the first launch of SpaceX Dragon Crew inMay.

ISS astronaut Ivan Vagner also tweetedabout the comet, noting its large, visible tail. The tail on NEOWISE couldindicate that it is strong enough to remain intact in orbit.

People on Earth have also started seeingthe comet on the horizon, says NASA. With its Astronomy Picture of the Dayprogram, NASA invites anyone -- amateur to professional astronomers -- tosubmit their own photos of cosmic events here.

Part of the NEOWISEsatellite operations is to help researchers distinguish between near-earthobjects with dangerous orbits (potentially hazardous asteroids, or PHAs), andthose that are not a threat, according to NASA. Its infrared lens allows it tosee comets particularly well, as they are commonly darker objects in the nightsky, says Battams.

NASA's NEOWISE satellite launched first in2009 as WISE. It's relaunch in 2013 as NEOWISE brought with it a new mission:"to assist NASA's efforts to identify and characterize the population ofnear-Earth objects," says NASA.

"NEOWISE is a really crucial satellitefor nearer or potentially hazardous asteroids," says Battams. "It's areally important satellite to have."

During its tenure, NEOWISE has discoveredhundreds of thousands of near-Earth objects, or NEOs. Data collected by NEOWISEis critical in mapping solar bodies and analyzing the trajectory of spaceobjects, including this new comet.











