
香港理工大学的专业英语文学硕士Master of Arts in English Studies for the Professions开设在人文学院下。该专业旨在为学生提供一个全面和批判型的理解理论和实践的英语教育和专业环境。学生在课程中获得的知识和技能使他们在一系列机构设置中成为创新和具备反思能力的专业人士。

专业:Master of Arts in English Studies for the Professions




1)English Language Arts (英语语言艺术):适合对语言艺术(如戏剧、诗歌和文学)感兴趣的专业人士,或希望在语言艺术研究方面接受深入培训的英语教师;

2)English for the Professions (专业英语):为真正对英语有兴趣, 或希望发展自己对英语系统和用法的理解,以及如何与他们的工作相关联的专业人士而设;

3)English Language Studies (英语语言):适用于所有希望提供英语能力的专业人士, 并需要在专业工作场所展示高水平的英语交际能力;

4)English Language Teaching (英语教学):为在职和未来的英语教师而设置, 帮助学生在设计和开展沉浸式通用和特定的英语语言教学中获得知识和技能;


1)提交申请时, 申请者需要选择具体的一个分支;

2)被录取后, 申请者可以更换到另外的分支;


1、 核心课程:4门;

Introduction to the Sound System of English;

Discourse Analysis;

English Semantics and Lexis;

Analytical Perspectives in English Grammar;

2、 专业分支核心课程:

1)English Language Arts(英语语言艺术):

Second Language Learning;

Language Development and Use;

English Literature and Language Arts;

2)English for the Professions(专业英语):

Practical Communication Strategies I;

Practical Communication Strategies II;

3)English Language Studies(英语语言)

Language Development and Use;

English Literature and Language Arts;

4)English Language Teaching(英语教学)

Second Language Learning;

Second Language Teaching;


1)English Language Arts(英语语言艺术):

Popular Culture and English;

Oral Language Arts;

Second Language Teaching;

Drama for Language Learning;

Critical Language and Cultural Studies;

Research Design and Methods;

2)English for the Professions(专业英语)

Pragmatic Disorders;

Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace;


Multimodality and Professional Communication;

The Sociology of Language: Social and Economic Perspectives;

Critical Language and Cultural Studies;

Research Design and Methods;

3)English Language Studies(英语语言)

Pragmatic Disorders;


Multimodality and Professional Communication;

Popular Culture and English;

The Sociology of Language: Social and Economic Perspectives;

Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace;

Research Design and Methods;

4)English Language Teaching(英语教学)

Syllabus Planning and Materials Design;

Testing and Assessment;

Drama for Language Learning;

Oral Language Arts;

Critical Language and Cultural Studies;

Popular Culture and English;

Research Design and Methods;



2)专业背景:English for the Professions不需要英语或者沟通类相关的背景, 其余三个专业分支需要;

3)语言要求:TOEFL 96+;IELTS7.0+;

4) PS ;

5) CV ;

6) 成绩单;
