
Tomorrow (17th), as the cold air moves out of Inner Mongolia, the warm air mass will regain its dominant position, and the temperature in the whole region will soar from west to east, and the maximum temperature in most areas can rise to more than 30 °C, and the western part can even approach 35 °C. the weather is very hot, everyone should pay attention to sunstroke and sun protection.

同时,随着气温的走高,土壤墒情也有所下滑,当前墒情差于历年同期,建议墒情较差的地区适当引水灌溉,确保旱地作物适期播种。需要注意的是, 18日开始,又有冷空气及时补位,全区多地有降水,东部部分地区有中雨,局地有大雨,并伴有短时强对流天气,全区大部气温下降4到6度。近期天气多变,公众要及时关注气象部门发布的天气和预警信息。


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