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The Summer Palace, a royal garden of the Qing Dynasty in China, formerly known as Qingyi Garden, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers away from the city and covers an area of 290 hectares. It is adjacent to the Yuanmingyuan Garden. It is a large-scale landscape garden based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, based on Hangzhou West Lake and drawing on the design techniques of gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. It is also the best preserved royal palace garden. It is known as the "Royal Garden Museum" and is also a national key tourist attraction.

This coin commemorates the money paid by Emperor Guangxu to rebuild the Summer Palace in 1888. The Summer Palace was burned down by the British and French allied forces in the 10th year of Xianfeng (1860). It is also hoped that the garden will be successfully rebuilt and passed on safely. Unfortunately, the G8 coalition forces

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destroyed it once again, which is really regrettable. It was the first time at that time that coins were made of metal aluminum. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the technology of electrolytic aluminum had not been invented, so aluminum was more valuable than gold. The medals issued by Napoleon in those days were also made of aluminum, much more valuable than gold. This coin adopts the traditional coin pattern of outer circle and inner square, with thick outline, extremely regular overall pattern, flat coin ground and regular threading. Qian Wen is deep, tall and straight, with beautiful and clever words and clear patterns. The coated pulp is mellow and moist, and the skin is thick and natural. At the same time, it also reflects the authority of the Manchu imperial power system in the field of minting coins. Its designers and manufacturers carried out exquisite designs regardless of cost. Its artistic level and anti-counterfeiting ability have not been surpassed so far.

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This German and Tongbao auction has only had 3 auction records in the past domestic and foreign auctions, which is enough to show the rarity of coins. It is recognized by the collection circles at home and abroad as a great treasure in modern China. It can be called an orphan and has great collection and investment value.