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The ancient Chinese valued the beauty of symmetry. Among the twenty-four solar terms, there is "Minor Heat" versus "Major Heat", "Minor Snow" versus "Major Snow", and "Minor Cold" versus "Greater Cold". However, there is one exception - Grain Buds (Xiaoman, literally meaning "little full").

作为二 十四节气中的第八个节气,也是夏季的第二个节气,小满于每年公历5月20至22日交节。

图源: 东方IC
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图源: 东方IC

小 满的名字反映 了两种自然现 象。 在我国北方地区,它指的是小麦等夏熟 作物籽粒开始变得饱满、但还未成熟的状态 ; 而在南方,则有着“小满小满,江河渐满”的俗语, 这个时节随着降水增 多,河流的水位线也升高,显得丰沛充盈。

In the northern regions of China, it denotes the stage when the grains of wheat, along with other crops harvested in the summer, are beginning to plump up but are not yet ripe. In the southern regions, it refers to rising water levels. As rainfall intensifies and the water levels of rivers and streams rise, it seems that rivers are becoming a little full.

满而不盈,满而不溢。 在中国传统哲学思想中,这也象征了一种理想的人生状态,充实得刚刚好,不骄不躁、不卑不亢,代表着节制守度的美德。
