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Growth Council

Think Tanks

—— Unlock Transformational Growth through Powerful Discussions with Industry Experts

5/21-5/26 最新活动预告

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The enterprise network services industry is experiencing a transformative shift, driven by the growing prominence of software-defined wide area networks (SD-WANs), secure access service edge (SASE), and managed security services. As traditional transport services decline, these technologies are filling the gap and expanding at a double-digit rate. Network operators are reshaping their offerings to support digital transformation, adopting "as a service" models characterized by self-service transactions, seamless sales cycles, and integrated automation, security, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Join us for this engaging discussion on May 21, 2024, where our distinguished panel of growth experts addresses critical questions like:

  • How can your company align its strategic objectives to leverage networks beyond connectivity for growth opportunities?

  • How can your team better integrate embedded security into your IT strategy to enhance best practices?

  • How can your growth team capitalize on AI advancements to speed up the development of smart industries and create a robust growth pipeline?




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Retail health clinics have demonstrated significant success by providing value through convenience, affordability, and enhanced accessibility. Key advantages include extended operating hours on weekends, reduced wait times for patients, direct access to prescriptions and healthcare products, and greater community presence with multiple locations. Given the strain on healthcare systems and shortages of physicians, retail clinics represent a substantial opportunity for patients seeking primary and basic care, alleviating pressure on urgent care facilities and emergency departments. The substantial price differentials, particularly for uninsured patients, are anticipated to further drive the transition towards retail health services.

Our distinguished panel of healthcare experts will share their expertise and experiences and will address pressing questions like:

  • How can healthcare organizations leverage retail clinics to enhance patient satisfaction?

  • What strategies can promote the shift towards retail health services?

  • How can retail health clinics address healthcare system challenges and physician shortages?

  • How will the growth of retail health clinics affect healthcare equity?


北京时间2024年5月22日 23:00


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The influx of investment necessitates careful planning for companies expanding into ASEAN nations. New entrants face challenges from established competitors, both local and foreign, along with navigating cultural nuances. However, rapid technological advancements and a young, dynamic population present a unique opportunity for ASEAN to optimize manufacturing and R&D. This necessitates strategic planning within the region's complex geopolitical landscape to ensure sustainable business development.

Prepare to find answers to critical questions like:

  • What are the key considerations for businesses entering the ASEAN region for the first time?

  • How can businesses in ASEAN mitigate the risks of a potential global recession in the context of rising geopolitical chaos?

  • Which industries in ASEAN hold the most promise for expansion, and how can investors navigate the evolving landscape to maximize returns?

  • What are the best practices for building strong partnerships with local companies in ASEAN?

  • How can businesses leverage technology to enhance their operations in ASEAN?


北京时间 2024年5月23日 16:00


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Today’s mature airline markets, like the Middle East, are at a pivotal crossroads. The time has come to embrace modern airline retailing, propelling the industry towards a future where communication approaches such as New Distribution Capability (NDC) and overarching goals such as ‘100% Offers and Orders’ become the norm. NDC and modern retailing also seek to provide key supply chain partners, such as travel companies or agents, with new ways to thrive in today’s dynamic operating environment.

Find answers to pivotal questions:

  • How can you enhance your strategic approach and vision to establish a profitable modern airline retailing model?

  • What are the core growth opportunities arising from this transformation, and how can you integrate them into your growth pipeline?

  • Which industry examples and best practices can you leverage to facilitate a smooth and growth-centric transition to modern airline retailing?


北京时间 2024年5月23日 20:00



由全球知名增长咨询公司弗若斯特沙利文建立的Growth Council Think Tanks(增长理事会智库)推出一系列由各行业专家组成的专业研讨会。智库旨在全球大趋势背景下,深入分析增长差距、解决挑战,发掘创新转型的潜在机会。



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  • 在编辑页作者处填写“沙利文”;

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全球增长咨询公司,弗若斯特沙利文(Frost & Sullivan,简称“沙利文”)融合全球63年的咨询经验,26年来竭诚服务蓬勃发展的中国市场,以全球化的视野,帮助超10,000家客户加速企业成长步伐,助力客户在行业内取得增长、科创、领先的标杆地位,实现融资及上市等资本运作目标。

沙利文深耕全球资本市场及企业咨询服务,通过首创的“全域投资管理 (Total Investment Management, TIM)”为企业提供全方位的投融资及其他各类专业咨询服务,包括投融资CDD、估值服务、技术顾问、财务顾问、ESG、募投可研、债券发行行业顾问、行业顾问、评估服务、奖项服务、行业白皮书、战略及管理咨询、规划咨询、技术洞察等。




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