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I am WeiLi Duan-Young, and it is my great pleasure to share my journey with you all.

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I was born in Shandong, raised in Shanghai, and moved to the United States for further studies in the early 1990s. After my graduation, I became a psychologist, focusing on Behavioral Analysis and Therapy. Currently, I devote myself to family education and women's growth.

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I am deeply honored to have been invited to deliver lectures on happiness studiesat prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and Shanghai Jiaotong University. I've been fortunate to have been received by President Clinton on several occasions, and I hope to continue sharing my knowledge and experience with more people.

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In my personal life, I am blessed with a happy marriage of 30 years and beautiful parent-child relationships. I always hold the belief that "the secret of life is giving". I often volunteer with my children and donate resources and educational materials to children in impoverished areas worldwide.

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During the global pandemic in 2020, I founded Athena Sisterhood, where I, alongside over 1,600 sisters globally, engaged in charity work to rescue victims of sexual slavery, saving dozens of children.

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In 2023, I established the Athena Youth Academy, hosting two summer camps in China with my seventeen-year-old daughter, empowering young girls.

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I firmly believe that each person's life journey has its own guidance. This summer, after organizing two Athena Youth Leadership Summer Camps, I planned to travel worldwide with my husband. However, life led me onto an unexpected stage—the World Madam Contest.

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My friend, Madam Ye Jing, introduced me to the competition. After meeting Chairwoman Zhou Chunhua, her encouragement solidified my determination to participate, and I am also blessed to receive support from my friends and my husband. I decided to fully focus on the World Madam Contest, adjusting my initial plans, postponing the journey, and turning my attention to this new challenge with anticipation.

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The three days of competition were short but enchanting. Every day was fulfilling and busy, and though tiring, I was filled with satisfaction and joy. I met a group of remarkable women, each with their unique strengths and stories, all displaying resilience and optimism.

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Despite the packed schedule and constant rehearsals, nobody complained; everyone wore smiles. Talent performances may pose challenges for some contestants without a professional background, but we all embraced the challenge, practicing late into the night to present our best selves. We stood together, a testament to the spirit of Chinese women!

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What touched me deeply was the sincerity and willingness to help among these sisters. When I decided to participate at the last minute, without enough equipment, they didn't hesitate to extend their helping hands. I remember when I needed a Cheongsam for a segment, many contestants immediately offered to lend me theirs. In this Competition, these sisters allowed me to see the essence of life: sincerity, love, sharing, mutual aid, and resilience.


Through the competition, whether during the preparation or the actual event, I experienced the allure of life more profoundly. I cherish this process and look forward to every future moment and challenge.

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With endless excitement, I want to express my deep gratitude to the World Madam China Executive Chairwoman, Zhou Chunhua, for her invitation, encouragement, trust, and support, which gave me immense strength.

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I want to thank the founder of the World Madam global brand, Madam Huang Anni, for her generous and heartfelt intent. Our brief recent encounters allowed me to perceive her radiant personality.

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Also, I want to thank the World Madam Organizing Committee for their hard work and professionalism, which allowed the competition to run smoothly. This platform provided us an opportunity to showcase our talents to the world.

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感谢世界夫人上海赛区组委会秘书长 Winnie,。从第一次接触,她的温馨暧人的言语让我觉得推迟行程留下来参加比赛是个正确的决定。今后的那段日子里,她对我们参赛夫人们既严格要求又“温润如玉”。女性领袖力在她身上有着完美的体现!

I want to extend my gratitude to the Secretary-General of the Shanghai World Madam Organizing Committee, Winnie. From our first contact, her warm and friendly words reassured me that delaying my journey to participate in this competition was the right decision. She has shown perfect leadership, strict requirements mixed with a gentle demeanor.

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Thanks to Zhu Jianning, Executive Vice Chairman of the Shanghai competition area, for helping me polish my manuscript late into the night. His literary talent is truly admirable, and his eagerness to help every contestant in need is warmly appreciated.

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Thank you to Xia, the Marketing Director for the Chinese region. His joyful smile during the video shoot at the Peace Hotel helped me relax immediately, and I noticed his dedicated professional guidance for every contestant.

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Thanks to Vice Chairman Qiu of the Chinese region for sharing his experiences from past World Madam global competitions. His patient and enthusiastic sharing prepared me mentally and deepened my understanding of the profound significance of the competition.

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Thanks to Freya from the Chinese Organizing Committee. Since the day of the makeup and styling session, I have felt her gentleness towards people and her meticulousness and patience in work.

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I must express my gratitude to Teacher Li Min. On the first day, when I saw her standing on the stage, with every gesture filled with the charm of an Eastern woman, I immediately became her fan. Several times after class, I followed Teacher Li Min for learning, and she turned every advice into a gem. After winning the championship, many people I didn't know said they loved my confident smile on stage, which I owe to Teacher Li Min's words, "You are very elegant, your smile doesn't need to be hidden, display the 'Hi' smile, show your 18-year-old self!"

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I am deeply honored to have won the championship at the World Madam Contest. Not only is this an important chapter in my life, but it is also a significant milestone on my life's journey. During the competition, I experienced the joy of self-growth and learned how to surpass myself.

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Thank you to this stage, which allowed me to strive to become a better version of myself; thank you to this competition, for allowing me to accumulate so many valuable experiences and friendships. This is an experience and precious memories that I will treasure forever.

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I want to say thank you to Chairwoman Anni for her farewell speech and enthusiastic encouragement after the awards dinner, giving me more confidence. I will redouble my efforts and actively prepare for the global competition in New York on October 7, striving to win the world championship and bring honor to Chinese women.

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Again, I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone. Thank you for your support, trust, and encouragement.