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本周的JCS Focus



-Poetics -




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Current Issue


Poetics最新一期(volume 104, June 2024)共发表了4篇文章,详情如下。

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Creative industries in transition: A study of Santiago de Chile's autopoietic cultural transformation

Christian Morgner, Tomás Peters

Much of the research on cultural and creative industries has been ‘Western-centric’, but recent interest into cultural and creative industries in the Global South confirms that this conceptual frame is not always directly transferable. This first comprehensive analysis of the last three decades of cultural and creative industries in Santiago de Chile is based on detailed participant observations and multiple in-depth interviews with cultural professionals in the city. The findings indicate that ‘Western’ economic narratives fail to capture the role of Chile's political and cultural context, and especially the socio-urban fabric of Santiago itself, in the eclectic mix of practices that has developed across various locales. The city's self-transformation can be seen to embody a process of autopoiesis, a concept first proposed by Chilean scholars. This cultural autopoiesis has been impacted by external shocks that include COVID-19. The study advances existing empirical and theoretical understandings of the development of cultural and creative industries in the Global South and beyond.

Youth's experiences with books: Orientations towards digital spaces of literary socialisation

Luz Santa María, Kris Rutten, Cristina Aliagas-Marín

Israeli rappers often feature vulnerability in their texts and performances. In so doing they deliberately challenge a long tradition of hyper-masculinity in both hip hop and Israeli culture. This strategic deviation, I claim, enables Israeli rappers to exhibit a sense of authenticity and hence to claim legitimate participation in the global field of hip hop which sacralizes the ethos of “being real.” In examining texts produced by two generations of Israeli rappers I will illuminate the negotiations whereby global stylistic tropes acquire original local meanings. It is argued that while cross-cultural dialogue has the capacity to destabilize gender regimes at the local level, new perceptions of masculinity generate artistic intertextuality that is the infrastructure of cultural globalization.

Towards a sociology of recurrent events. Constellations of cultural change around Eurovision in 18 countries (1981–2021)

Luca Carbone, Jonathan Mijs, Thijs van Dooremalen, Stijn Daenekindt

Sociologists usually conceptualize events as unexpected occurrences bringing about long-lasting transformations of social structures. Following this definition, most empirical studies of events focus on pre/post-measurement strategies. Yet not all events are unexpected (e.g., Eurovision, Oscar nominations, the Olympics). Moreover, pre/post-measurements cannot capture the temporality in which meaning-making processes unfold nor account for the overlap between various events. We address these shortcomings by introducing the concept of ‘recurrent events,’ defined as events occurring with regular and recurrent cadence, charging collective effervescence and anticipation among audiences. Drawing from resonance theory, we conceptualize constellations of cultural change happening around recurrent events. We provide an empirical proof-of-concept, focusing on the case of the Eurovision Song Contest. To do so, we build a unique dataset of Eurovision lyrics and public attitudes in 18 European countries between 1981 and 2021 to study the relationships between attitudes about sexual and gender identity and national identity and the corresponding narratives presented at Eurovision. Our findings complicate common assumptions about the duality of events, by highlighting six different configurations of cultural change. We demonstrate how the concept of recurrent events contributes to the literature on events, consider the theoretical and methodological implications, and provide recommendations for future research.

Blurred Authorities: How Exposure to Conflicting Accounts Increases Strong Democrats’ Openness to Partisan Conspiracy Narratives

Marcus Mann

Existing research has demonstrated that Republicans are more likely than Democrats to engage with online political disinformation that traffics in partisan conspiracies. However, little is known about why this asymmetry exists. This study proposes that exposure to conflicting accounts from conflicting authorities in a given knowledge domain is an under-appreciated mechanism that increases susceptibility to partisan conspiracies and helps drive such asymmetries. To examine this question, I test two pre-registered hypotheses using two survey experiments on Amazon Cloud Research. In experiment 1, Republicans were more open to conspiracies at baseline but exposure to conflicting accounts made strong Democrats more open, eliminating this gap. In experiment 2, the effect of exposure to conflicting accounts is weaker but still contributed to closing the partisan gap, while Democrats’(but not Republicans’) self-reported media consumption heavily moderated the effect of exposure to conflicting accounts on belief. Implications of these findings are discussed for research on political polarization and disinformation as well as non-political knowledge domains.

以上就是本期 JCS Focus 的全部内容啦!



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《中国社会学学刊》(The Journal of Chinese Sociology)于2014年10月由中国社会科学院社会学研究所创办。作为中国大陆第一本英文社会学学术期刊,JCS致力于为中国社会学者与国外同行的学术交流和合作打造国际一流的学术平台。JCS由全球最大科技期刊出版集团施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)出版发行,由国内外顶尖社会学家组成强大编委会队伍,采用双向匿名评审方式和“开放获取”(open access)出版模式。JCS已于2021年5月被ESCI收录。2022年,JCS的CiteScore分值为2.0(Q2),在社科类别的262种期刊中排名第94位,位列同类期刊前36%。2023年,JCS在科睿唯安发布的2023年度《期刊引证报告》(JCR)中首次获得影响因子并达到1.5(Q3)。


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